
Wait til you see the terms of the HOA agreement.

May norovirus run rampant among these wankers.

My 1970's Chrysler had a vacuum switch button in the glovebox that would send vacuum to a release mechanism in the trunk lid.  Had to hold it down for a sec for the vacuum to build and pop the trunk.

I took a car into a popular chain body shop to have a dent in the driver door repaired. They re-skinned the door. When I got the vehicle home, I found scratches in the new paint and parts falling off. Took it back. While there for rework, *somehow* a big steel parts cart was dragged down the entire passenger side of

I’ve never leased a car.  It would seem to me that banking on somehow making money on your lease at the end of your lease term is a risky proposition and puts you at the mercy of the people who would rather that they make money at your expense.

The engine is turned 90º from where it ought to be.  ND.

This is making me reconsider cruising around in my CJ3B which has no seatbelts, doors, roof, or rollbar.

And the trash can still stands!

So these are photoshopped 2021 Durango police rims (I have a set on order for my 2018) with photoshopped vintage police dog dish caps.  I’m going to either make an adapter to make the vintage dog dish caps fit on the modern police steelies or make entirely new dog dish caps that snap onto the lugs.

I am working on making throwback dog dish hubcaps for the Durango and Charger/Challenger:

FACT: I once had 14 people in a 1972 Chrysler Newport. That included three sitting in the open trunk.

I always get pissed when I realize I know infinitely more about the vehicle than the salesman does.  Then I remember why I’m in a position to be buying such a vehicle and the salesman probably isn’t.

When you bring up these little ‘mistakes’ with a salesperson, they always blame the internet sales department.  I’m sure it’s all by design...

Set to the same crescendo duration as Ravel’s ‘Bolero’

Not a car, but I’m pretty sure the fellas who built this 1920 Samson Model M tractor (built in Janesville, WI by General Motors!) and the fella who bought it to replace a pair of horses didn’t expect that it would still be driving around 101 years later. #tractorlopnik

In the 90's a few companies tried giving away free computers with a modified OS that used the outer 30% of the screen to display ads continuously. I tried to get one so I could immediately wipe it and install Windows 98 on it, but they ran out.  The scheme died out quickly as I expect a lot of people did what I was

“Your subscription has expired.  Please insert your credit card to re-enable your brakes.”

I bought a used cop car in 2003.  (1985 Plymouth Gran Fury). I discovered a sparkly rainbow colored women’s bikini bottom wadded up and stuffed under the passenger front seat track. Yum.

I’m driving across Ohio, destination yonder, twice, in a couple of weeks.  I’ll not spend any money there except for turnpike tolls.