
Cut the wings off and drive it around the neighborhood.... cuz that’s probably all it’s good for.

I dunno.  This looks like fun and games, but will a brake job break me?  Like a boat or a swimming pool, it’s much better to know someone who owns a plane than to own one yourself.

So I’m gonna need your address.  I’ll pay you a dollar to be your virtual roommate and I will get a NJ license so I can get in on this deal from out of state.

See, it is already wanting of an emblem on the rear gate:

Thank you for adding Reichsburger to my lexicon.  I believe I will start using that to describe, uh, certain people here in the US.

If someone who is photoshop-literate could make an image of “Krassler Voyager” emblems in the original font, I’ll 3D print them, apply chrome paint, and ship ‘em to David with a roll of 3M double-face tape.

There are four motors for stability and lift.  If one propeller breaks, fiery death would be the result.

“Flying Car”. Heh. Will never be practical.  It’s all fun and games until someone bumps your propeller with a shopping cart at the grocery store. Hope you enjoy falling out of the sky!

Now playing

I’d like to see what a JCB HMEE could do.  It has a road speed of 60 mph.

There’s a short railing and the vertical cables every so often if you get lucky.  Can’t put up a wall as it would add too much weight and would catch more wind.

Jesus man!  Those are shaped like cherry pitters.  And they’re dangerously close to a couple of cherries.


Enyaq. Is that what you call it when you puke every time New Age music is played?

I was born 10 years after you to two parents who smoked like chimneys my whole life.  Dad died from Stage IV lung cancer a couple years ago.  I have my own respiratory issues, despite never being a smoker.  I sure was glad to move out of their house when I went off to college.

One of the worst road-trips of my childhood involved being held captive in the back of a similar generation Dodge Caravan with all windows orange-tinted from years of cigarette smoke, while the driver (one of the Boy Scout Troop dads) lit each Lucky Strike off the previous for two days straight, with the windows up. I

Thanks!  Must be an illusion from the wide-angle lens pics.

I look forward to a future edition where David drives it back to Michigan.  He and Brandon will duct tape plastic 55 gallon drums to the sides and wire some kayak paddles to the front rims to make a run across the pond.