
Hail is what happens to rain when it is past it’s expiration date.

Performed the first oil change on my 2018 Fusion and was greeted with a compressed dryer lint diaper covering the entirety of the underbody.  Two broken plastic clips and 12 screws later....

Because in the event you actually try to do any real towing, the thing you are towing had better be a 10,000# battery on a trailer unless you only want to have a 25 mile range.

I took the Amtrak from Ann Arbor, MI to Chicago for the first time a few years ago. Shortly into my trip, I got the sense that we were going REALLY FUCKING FAST. I whipped out my phone’s GPS app and we were doing 114 MPH. Holy Shit! That excitement was tempered about 20 minutes later when we slowed, pulled onto a

Same thing happened to me but in a Chicago taxi cab... except it was about 52 miles. And I’m pretty sure I was just being screwed by a crafty cab driver sensing an easy mark.

Chuck Norris once sat in that seat and gently depressed the window switch.

Now playing

Watching the Tesla robotic snake reminded me of this monstrosity. WARNING - Super NSFW:

Sounds like a job for Torchinsky

Note to self:  Sell stock in Walker Exhaust Systems.

No issue with lapping, just using a drill to do so.  Either way, this will hopefully get him to Moab.

Understood.  May you ride eternal on the highways of Valhalla!

I was have always understood that using a drill to lap valves was bad because it can create concentric grooves in the valve and seat which will give carbon an area to get stuck in. The reciprocating motion of hand lapping results in a much smoother and flatter surface.

When your engine compartment is so crammed that you have to put the windshield washer reservoir in front of the radiator... CP

Give it time.  I’m sure some organism will evolve to live solely on carbon monoxide, particulate matter, and other noxious gases.  Then we’ll be encouraging people to remove their emissions equipment.  “Think of the Wheezy Brown Toad, people!”

This thing needs a flowery dragon tattoo just above the bumper.

I had a vision, and it was an Accord Crosstour.