
Excuse me but, your the oen who said my Linsk were "Christain apologesitics" when they werent. You didnt read my links.

Spuddie, you really hate CHristains. Of coruse this is to be exoected givne yoru enure Religion is built off condemnign Christainity.

You really prove my point here.

Spuddie, in another post I said I'd met to many Atheists to buy into the claim that Atheists are driven by Evidence and Logic. Well, you've just proven it.

Her's the Irony, Ive met a lot of Atheists. I also reject the silly nonsense that beign an Atheist means you ave no Religion. Instead, I see everyone as Religious. No doubt you'll now mock me and say I called Athism a Religion. Of coruse I didnt, btu modern Militant Atheism is. Its a for fo Seclar zhumanism. You'll

If a Christain orginisation out up endless articles abotu how Immoral, disgusting, nd irrational Atheists were and then procceeded to endlessly file Lawsuits to get rid of Ahtitsic Ideas in Public all while promotign a purely Christain soiety, you'd say it mae them Theocrats who wanted to destory Rights and Freedom.

Spuddie, Yiu should always get to know someone before yu challenge them.

Yeah this is an excuse. ANyoen who visitt he FFrF will see that they clealry hate CHristinity, and specificlly Target it. Its not about upholding The Firts Amendment, tis abotu tearign down Christins.

Spuddie, What you're sayign is silly.

They already had the Vatian, all Musoini did was recognise it in exchange for an end to Hostilities. That makes both sides pragmatic, not fans fo each other.

Er, the Catholic CHruc in Germany Excommunicated all members of the nazi pary, and opposed Natonal Sociaism as incompatibel with the Christian Faith. And most Potestant Cruhs either did not support him or openly critise him.

This isnt True. The Catholic CHruch didnt suppot Mousolini. Also, the "Every major Church supproted Hitler" claim is a compelte Lie. Even Wikipedia says the Chruches were persecuted under Hitler, and he sought to repalce them with "Positive Christianity". many Ministers, ibcludign Catholci Prietss, went to

Atually Mousolini never changed his Mind. he hated the Monarhcy and he hated the Catholic CHruch till the day he died.

So? He was stil an Athiest when he killed load sof foks. By this Logic Richard awkisn is a Christain…he went to a Religiosu School.

No, somene else rouht them u and he just went with them.

The only Reaosn Westboro Baptist Chruch is wore than Dawkisn to you is becaue they are Christans. COme on, Westboro May be a Pain, but they havent killed anyone.

Westboro Baptist Church represens less than 0.000000000000000001 % of Chritains in genral, and ISIS represnets a Minrity of Muslims. Neither represnt "Reliion".

No, he ws talkign abotu what he persnally experncd. Not logn ago sins.

This is easy to disprive. The Vatican City-State is a Fre, albeit small, Nation and has a Theocratic Govenment, and The United Kigndom has two official State Chruches, the Kirk Of Scotland and Church of ngland, and Bishops in the CofE actuallky sit in The House Of Lords, but I dont see it as "less free" than, say,

Visit "Freedom From Reigion FOudnation". They sue a lot ofpeople, and do persecute Chrustaisn uner the COlour of law.