
I think peope who bash anyone, ove generalisations base don disagreemnt, have the worst traits of any Movie baddie you can nameā€¦

I dont think thi is true.

Because they dont' liek beign ridiculed?

You know nothign about Gnostism if you think this is True.

God is nto an office, and yoru pretty well not beign honest here.

Rubbish. Yio'r "Athism" is just Anti
Religion", or Christan bashign really. You hate God becaue of hat he represents in Christianity, not becaue of evidence or because he's acutlay that bad.

ve met too many Atheists who don't give a crap about Evidence, and I've met too many Theists who do. Your presentign a fantasy version fo Atheists base don an Idoelogy, not a Reality.

And your wrong.

Bunk. All yo're ding is reissuign the same tommyrot excuses we've all heard before. Most modern Anti-Christian Atheists, like you, have decided that God doesnt exist, will say God doesnt exist, then claim you merley lack beleif and he Burden Of Proof is on others.

Er, Tolkien was a Catholic and devoted to his Faith.

Which we know he is because he's a Christain. I mean, you cant be Intelligent and Chrstain, right?