
I make it a point ot Capitalise certain Words I find Improtant, and it is actually acceptable in ENglish to do so. It is, in fact, the normative way to Write in German, and is part of several Formal styles of English. It's not Improper Capitalisation, but a certain Style I chose to use which is perfectly acceptable.


Dictionaries wn't help Dyslexia.

I didn't bash anyone, thouhg. I as critical of you bashign people. There is a difference.

No, my argument is that you're makign baseless claism with no evidence. I dovetailed what tou said abotu me beign a teabagger and the like with your descriptio of how the Abrahamic Faiths were created for social control, and hwo I only talked about the Abrahamic Faiths, to make that point, but the overall point is nit

Let me quote the Articles I didnt read carefully, that you refuted me with..

I knoew you'd not take me seriously before I psoted to you. The only way you'd take anyoen seriosuly is if they already agreed with you.

But you didn't refute me with stuff from my own Links. You took quotes out of context to create a false impression. EG, you quoted oen of those Atiles I linked as saying Hitler proffesed Christainity publiclaly, and used that to somehow prove the majorityof Chruches supported him. However, the same Article also said

By the way, aen't you just maklign a lot of assumptions abotu what I beleive?

I didnt issue any actual fallacies though. I critisised someone for bashign Chrstainity, which he was, and for saying somethign abotu Gnostism that is not True.

MY Spellign is off, not my Grammar, and I havent issued a single Ad Hom attack. Rather, I critise the obvious Hypocricy. Also, lets be realistic, you ar a Religious Type. Religion is a nebulous word that relaly doesnt have an absolute value. Even hard core Atheosts hold Religius beelifs as Religion is pretty well any

If I wre Illiterate, I'd not be ablkw to read these cmments much less reply. I am however Dyslexic, which I told you in another post.

I'm actually DYslexic. But way to divert attention away fro the actual points being made in a discussion and onto the person you're speakign to. I'm certain that depictign me as an idiot will make your own arguments seem True.

My objetivity isnt fake. Keep in Midn that yoru the one sayign KKKristians, and caling peopel Nazi's. Its pretty bvious that yoru post is just Polemic.

That ute little song doesnt mitigate the fact that you cliamed tat Ateists wanted Evudence, and when I gave it to you you chose to not look into it and dismissed htem as "Probably Christian Apologetics". So, reallyit only shows how you refuse to admit any error in your mythology.

So youv just admitted that you havent relaly read any books on History, Philosophy, r Theology.

In other words, you know that yoru selective quotation is dishonest but refuse to question either yoru own motivations or your arguments, so prefer to just blame me and stonewall.

Spuddie, Try to see past yoru own narrative here.

Yeah here's the thing,unlije you I read the whel article, not just skimmed it for what suited my needs.

I'ver rea a lot of books. I can prove i too by discussing them. The problem is, you havent, and Ive pretty well gotten you to backhandedly admit to that. You havent read on Hisory, Theology or Philosophy. ALl youve doen is read websites that "Promote Atheism", and its raher obviosu your arugents arent that strong.