Even if this out if my price range, I hope they succeed because these look like genuinely cool vehicles
Even if this out if my price range, I hope they succeed because these look like genuinely cool vehicles
People do this a lot with Prius batteries. A few cells will fail, the dealer will want to replace the entire pack, but aftermarket options exist for replacing a few cells in the battery pack and getting a few more years out of it. More repairability is always better.
man, fuck this market. this is a nice truck for what it is, but shouldn’t be more than $4k. ND.
hey I start my push mower like this, didn’t realize I was just preparing myself for Porsche 917 ownership
I would think that something like this would help greatly in efficiency. Things like timing red lights, etc. It could actually save people time even if they were traveling at a lower speed. It’s the unpredictable nature of people and the massive variation in speeds that people drive at that cause traffic jams and…
timeline got fucked up
This is exactly why police departments need to be abolished and rebuilt from the ground up. The system is far beyond any sort of reform, and is failing both citizens and any good police that are left.
The Seville was actually on its own platform, the K platform-
I agree on the CP but technically this Seville is the K platform car. And by the, I mean that surprisingly enough, no other GM car used that platform.
i’m just confused as to why the roof needs to slope so much in this hatchback configuration; there could be quite a bit more room in the back
alright, NP it is
‘unique selling proposition’
In theory I agree, we should let gas sell for $5/gal like it is in Europe, which would get more people looking at fuel efficient cars and EVs instead of big stupid fucking trucks, but at this point something like that would just hurt poor people
seriously, it’s a miracle that it hasn’t rusted to pieces up here
Maybe pre-COVID, but there are piles of shit listed at this price in my area now.
more cars should have head-up displays
I have the same grill and chimney, and use the shit out of both of them. One thing that did vastly improve my grilling abilities was picking up a copy of The Cook’s Illustrated Guide To Grilling And Barbecue. It’s basically the bible around my house.
this thing + a little trailer for hauling plywood and/or camper to tow seems like a pretty perfect dd scenario to me