I somewhat facetiously started always referring to him as Bitch McConnell about a year ago, and got so used to it I stopped noticing I was doing it until I recently said that in mixed company (neo-con coworkers) and oh my the pearl-clutching...
I somewhat facetiously started always referring to him as Bitch McConnell about a year ago, and got so used to it I stopped noticing I was doing it until I recently said that in mixed company (neo-con coworkers) and oh my the pearl-clutching...
Re: Sean - the answer is both via a Barbican. Basically it was a fortified outer gatehouse and first point of defense. So you’d have to fight over a moat to get to the barbican, and then assuming you managed to seize control of it, fight over a SECOND moat to get into the castle proper.
This is probably correct as they do have a lion-themed coaster:
I think JFK’s head would explode if he read that quote... Too soon?
Happy to be the bearer of good news then 1) yes, the “bird boot camp” at the local zoo referenced was successful, and 2) as noted in the article below, my favorite parts was the “gym time” was literally just the zookeeper chasing the bird around because she wouldn’t move if someone wasn’t chasing her. Which is frankly…
I will never not take an opportunity to post this when kookaburras get mentioned.
This. He’ll flip so he can live out his life in a relatively cushy minimum-security “club fed” prison rather than take his chances with regular old maximum-security prison where he’s got to know he’ll get EXTRA QUINTUPLE SHANK-MURDERED 3 days into his sentence for being a rampant child molester.
Generally it still is:
Yes when my kid wants to ride roller coasters and eat candy, a brewery is clearly the best option.
Daniel Tiger’s Neighborhood gave me what tends to work well: “It’s almost time to go, so choose one more thing to do.” It gives my son the freedom to choose his last activity, plus he tends to choose something that will take “longer” (5 mins instead of 2), so there’s rarely any fighting after he’s done it since he…
“N-words are bad but not my friend Jerry”
Pam for Pam with that nonsense
I also HATE this line because it FLATLY isn’t true! The government absolutely tells people what they cannot do with their bodies (inject drugs, sell them for sex, sell organs to the highest bidder, etc.) and absolutely tells them what they must do with/for their children’s bodies - put food in them, clothes on them,…
I honestly doubt there will ever be a sufficient movement to establish a true national reparations fund because the majority of the American electorate are, have always been, and likely will always be fundamentally self-interested & easily misled.
This. I grew up in Alabama and got the hell out ASAP, but now that I’m grown there’s something almost nice about being able to go back as a tourist and cherry-pick the 2% that’s good (mostly the outdoor recreation where there are no people) to experience with my wife/son while avoiding the 98% that’s a godless,…
The tipping point is good for another reason - I/my wife rarely ask servers about dishes/recommendations, but on the rare occasion we do I’ve noticed what has been recommend is usually on the more expensive side of the menu. They don’t recommend the $40 filet, but neither have I ever had a server recommend the $15…
I would bet serious money that IF any of his traditional audience has heard that term (which I expect 99% had not), it was almost certainly from this admittedly amazing part of an already amazing movie:
I’m not sure I’d call this - or similar decisions - technicalities. They’re interpreting federal/constitutional law in relation to state law, which 1) I assume is often fairly byzantine, and 2) which many states who are challenging the law are specifically keeping in mind.