
You’re not far off. When my wife worked for New York City Schools, she supervised a tour of a high-performing high school in Harlem for a tone-deaf white politician trying to increase his visibility ahead of whatever local election. The tour was led by a few of the honors students, who were all black and Hispanic. When

If you really want your mind blown, here’s the Colonel having a beer with Alice Cooper. And yes it’s 100% real as confirmed by Cooper a few years ago

From context I believe they recorded a conversation on an open (“hot”) line. Presumably to either get him to incriminate himself or to have him make a statement that might later contradict a different statement and catch him in a lie.

Yeah you’re not too far off on that, though as I mentioned they live in Queens, which is considerably cheaper than Manhattan or Brooklyn so take those “NYC” averages with a big grain of salt if you’re talking about the Bronx/Queens/Staten Island. Actually you can take them with the whole shaker because even within

I read your comment and am now so incredibly sad simply to know those exist.

Only if they’re smart enough to know not to shoot unarmed black people. Sadly that isn’t a joke, it’s federal law that departments can reject applicants for being “too smart”:

Yep it’s funny the decisions that have to be made when kids are in the picture. My wife and I left NYC precisely because of the cost of daycare, the generally not great public schools/ungodly expensive private schools, and the incredibly expensive “kid” activities like zoos/hands-on museums/etc. You really do just

That’s definitely a fair concern. My guess in this situation is that she worked in HR, and as long as NYC stands there will be big banks who needs lots of HR people to wrangle the frat-boy traders...

My wife’s good friend left a job at at a major international bank in NYC where she was making ~$75K per year because she and her husband had twins when they were expecting one child. They ran the numbers and the cost of full-time childcare for 2 kids in *Queens* (i.e. far cheaper than Manhattan/Brooklyn) was only

All his his girlfriends I’ve met are in their mid/late 30s which is same as him. Honestly that’s probably part of the “issue” - these women want kids and don’t have a lot time to wait around if the guy they’re dating isn’t on board with that from the get-go.

Not entirely Utah. My good friend is in NYC and has run into the same thing with the last 5-10 women he’s dated. For him it’s that he already has 2 kids with his ex and doesn’t want MORE, but (as he tells it anyway) that’s universally been the dealbreaker. 

Just as Jesus harrowed hell itself, so too does Tebow’s escape from that most dismal pit of Gainesville, Florida inspire us all.

I think this is one of those things where the “high-up” media/politicians are completely up their own asses and divorced from the reality of what the “common” voter cares about - I know, totally unheard of. I’ve seen a lot today about how NY14 is such a blue seat etc, etc but here in central Pennsylvania (aka

Seriously what? There are no straight white men in public unions about to get fucked? No straight white male soldiers are going to feel the blow-back, probably in bullet/IED form, from increased anti-American sentiment over the Muslim ban? Just because some of the cases don’t effect a particular sub-group of people

Those Wascally Wight-Wing Wacists! They all should have taken that left turn at Albuquerque and burrowed straight to hell.

Would be hard for that to happen regardless, given all the roofies that are doubtlessly in her system at the time.

Came here to make this point about Tuskegee & choosing the program vs the school. I went to Auburn (just a few miles up I-85) which also has an excellent veterinary program and all of my friends who were pre-Vet applied both schools regardless of their races.

I’d think based on your avatar you wouldn’t lump the noble opossum in with this shitheel given how much the good Lord loved them:

The traded crumbs could then be used to feed livestock, or for installation in housing, or even as fertilizer for eggplant crops

We also have books about the Great Migration, in which over 6 million black Americans left the south so no, obviously they did NOT love the south given - again, MILLIONS of them - uprooted their entire lives to get away from it and its Jim Crow laws/lynchings. This one is particularly good if anyone is interested: