
I used to be a devoted reader of Grantland. I'd skip most of the music and entertainment stuff but read most everything else. Not do much for The Ringer.


More car chases too.

"I, for one, welcome our new Kinja overlords."

Yeah. I usually don't like watching videos - especially when I'm at work. Like others said, I can read faster than I can listen to a video.

How she got in his pyjamas he has no idea.

I saw Magnificent Seven last weekend and I fell asleep watching it. To be fair it was late Saturday night and my couch is comfy but I really didn't care for it.

You took me by the hand
You made me a man
That one night
You made everything all right
That one night
You made everything all right
So wrong so right all night all right
Oh yeah, oh yeah
So wrong so right all night all right
Oh yeah

So they won't need Dental. Win-win.

He'd fit right in at Sweetums.

I'm sure he could get some of those fine people from Charlottesville to be his bodyguards. I'm sure they'd do it for free.

Trump would have never won the election if he had been running as a 3rd party candidate.

Perhaps not. If it's not Hillary and my scenario is in place, Republicans are going to have to choose who to support; the sitting president or someone more moderate. If you think Trump will go without a fight, you're fooling yourself. He might hole himself up in the Oval like Tony Montana and wait for the Marshals to

Now they want to impeach him.


City folk just don't get it.

The problem is that there is a significant amount of people out there who will not vote for a Democrat under any circumstances. I've said this before, the real upset wasn't Trump winning. It was that Clinton didn't win by a landslide. He has about every negative you could think of in a presidential candidate but he

Aren't slackers, by their nature, unaspirational?

I don't see why he'd want to do that. They have made a pretty penny from being the right wing voice. Why be like all the other networks? There's a lot of money to be made in being the alternative voice of something. Perhaps he will tone down their rhetoric. Maybe have them stop spouting these wild conspiracy theories.

Getting rid of Hannity won't solve anything. They'll just get Carlson or some other wingnut gas bag on there to spew what they're selling.