As Du Volant

My padre dropped that floatation collar from his DC-4 as captain of Naha Rescue One. He was on emergency alert in Okinawa that day. Gemini 8 gets my vote. Here’s my dad’s story: American Heritage Magazine, December 1992

Was going to say the same thing.

You got my vote before I even read the story. XT!

Back in 2003 I had a 1987 Subaru XT Turbo. Like this, only white over gray:

My step dad had some kind of old home made RV and we had planned to visit Canada from New-Brunswick to Manitoba.

How about one that can do both?

I’m going to be honest - I don’t like that, but I’m really glad some still exist because they’re certainly unique. Good job keeping an obscure piece of history alive.

Other direction. 95 in a New England snowstorm is miserable. Why make it easier as it goes along?

Kenny fucking powers

An onboard OBD reader. Instead of giving you just a Check Engine Light, it’ll actually give you codes and any additional information.

GM’s been doing this for years with their Malibu and Impala “Classic” models. If that name isn’t ironic I don’t know what is.

It has to be taking a shit. How has no one said this yet? They have a crazy contraption to allow astronauts to go to the bathroom. Adding to the inherent difficulty is the disastrous nature of failure.

This is not always true. Not all BHPH are scum (Although most are)... I work at one, and we do nothing with any credit bureaus. All financing is done in house. Unlike most BHPH, we don’t want to repo cars. Its a waste of our time. We want our customers to pay, be happy, and send more people to buy more cars.

This game easily has taken hours from my life. Between the NES version playing 4-player with all my brothers, and the stand-up Arcade version with its infinite-spin steering wheels and 3-human-player action, it’s a challenge to this day.

Use of technological superiority to carry out an intended task with soulless efficiency? Check.

Just slap a turbo on it. Doc Brown wont know what hit him!

The electric slide.


Hey! That’s my dad’s car! Exterior is pretty far from stock, here’s a normal ‘82 GT for comparison: