There’s that time I drove 600 miles with an engine riding shotgun.
There’s that time I drove 600 miles with an engine riding shotgun.
Am I missing something here? He appears to be forwards and on fire when he crosses the finish line.
RE: this car. Rob already said the proper comment in his writeup:
From Morgantown, West Virginia... the most egregious example of this I’ve ever seen.
He does own it- he kept the old name because it was a strong, well-known brand.
Did you notice they just removed “Minutes from the mall” from their ads? Apparently the mall is in such a state of decline they don’t want to be associated with it anymore.
90 20!!!!!!!!!!!
This guy who wears his cowboy hat and yells YEE-HAW!! on all his commercials. It’s on all his billboards too.
Explanation as to why they’re so unreliable, as explained by these shirts that come out whenever the Jacksonville Jaguars come to Pittsburgh:
Just going to leave this here (no, it isn’t me).
Doing donuts in my Impreza in the work parking lot before everyone came in and I managed to get the car into a zero-radius spin. It was spinning like it was anchored to a post in the middle of the car. That was fun but not really insane.
Dual headlights are for plebs.
Indy Pace Car edition
Talk them down to $500 and haul it home. No worries about the clutch- transmission needs to come out anyway for the LS swap.
Why is it in a junkyard?
That’s a Lada money for this car.
Did not realize this was based on a real seat.