
She takes issue with her husband. He is in the film, it’s about a marriage. It’s clear that he’s the one she’s taking issue with. Naming someone (or some people) outside that marriage would be problematic for a number of reasons, and would be unnecessary because that person would be extraneous to the marriage, the

Yeah. I didn’t throw that in to try to say anything about your use of the word. I use it too, it definitely means something that’s hard to describe otherwise.

Hey, but this way we got to have a respectful, mature convo in the comments section on a gawker site. A rare and welcome opportunity!

Also the live blog thing was really useless but for the comment section.

That’s a fair point for sure. Jezebel is frequently disappointing along those lines.

I didn’t say those things at all. You are free to not care about this piece of art, even though it’s obviously deeply meaningful to a lot of people.

I mean you can. But I think it wouldn’t really be fair.

Yeah she’s obviously seeking attention, and is probably happy to get it. That said, I read that when she deleted the original post people started going after her 16 year old daughter’s account, which is uncalled for. Poor kid.

I feel like Beyonce is being quite direct, not really anything passive about it. She’s putting a personal experience, one that unfortunately is shared by many, in a political context. If that’s over your head it’s one thing, but it seems like if you’re reading a post about it and commenting on it, you give more than a

In terms of logic, how does that make an irrelevant fact become relevant?

Beyonce released an hour-ish long “visual album” which is essentially music videos making up a concept album, laced together with spoken word. The concept is most basically about betrayal and forgiveness in a relationship (personal - seemingly autobiographical) in the context of patriarchy and white supremacy

They were children. Their social universe (ie all of us) clearly failed them, certainly, based on the fact that they have records. Children should not be allowed to feel they have nothing to lose, and be unsupervised, and made to feel so alienated from their communities that they don’t feel the laws make sense. That