
But he orders 3, to get a jump start on the next free pizza.

New Hartford alum, I didn’t figure anyone would know that town if I commented it so I went with the more generic Utica.

Not the same since Superintendent Chalmers left.

Fellow Upstater here, Utica region (right in the heart of Trump Country), I actually pay for Sirius just so I can still listen to Le Batard and Bomani instead of the local guy discussing Syracuse football recruiting or local stuff. I should go the podcast route but like you I constantly forget/am too lazy.

If I know the Bills, and sadly I do, they'll fire Rex and promote Rob to interim Head Coach.

I've got to imagine it's difficult as hell for Randy Moss and Charles Woodson (two of the greatest players I've ever seen play their respective positions) have to sit there and listen to this schlub give his opinions of how professional players should behave.

This is the correct answer it's like being banned from the mall or Walmart for shoplifting. It simply allows them to proceed with additional criminal charges if you are caught doing something stupid again on their property.

I agree Omar/Chalky's character was so contradictory at times. He wanted to help Naz by giving him the right shirt and tie or jumpsuit to wear to court but then sits there while he gets SIN BAD tattooed on his knuckles and a crown on his neck?

Johnson ran the 200m in 19.32 seconds in 1996.

I last went to a Bills game in 2009 when they played the Saints. More people were arrested for having sex in the bathroom (8) than the Bills scored points (7). And for the record it was a lucky 7 points.

I remember going to a local WCW show in our home town when I was in 9th grade and my brother was in 6th. There was a 6 man tag match that included Stevie Ray. At some point my brother yelled out "Hey Stevie Ray, you suck!" Without missing a beat he turned, looked at my brother and responded "Your momma sucks, bitch!"

You can still intentionally foul a bad free throw shooter every time he touches the ball if you'd like. A team now can't simply wrap up DeAndre Jordan 10 times in a row they actually have to play defense and if/when DeAndre gets the ball in his hands hack away.

I always note this as well. The same people saying “If he just did what the cop said then none of this would ever happen” are the same people who insist that they need to keep their guns to “fight against a tyrannical government." It can't be both ways either you trust the government implicitly or you don't.

I tend to agree. Also Wade is a lot like Tom Brady in that his wife is a famous actress/model who is worth millions of dollars on her own. Sacrificing money is obviously easier for him than it is for other players.

I'd be willing to bet just based on recent history that the test wasn't positive for a steroid or HGH or anything but rather some form of diuretic or masking agent that he took in a supplement. I know Jones has made a lot of very poor decisions but I just can't believe that he would be that stupid to take anything

There has never been a player that could wow you in so many different ways. Jordan could with his scoring, Carter with his dunking, Magic with the passing, but LeBron can do it everyway its amazing.

Peter King has been banned from covering all NFL games and had his media privileges revoked.

Bills, Dolphins, Jets - New England (who ever Manning plays for)

This past Monday the kids were off from school for the holiday and it was pretty bad weather here in Upstate New York. I decided to order and pizza for delivery so I didn’t have to take the kids out in the weather to get something. I didn’t see anything wrong without until the delivery driver arrived and instead of