The Unicorn

Steeplejack handled it quite good.

Yeah, if only Suicmez would put out a new CD....

Holy SHIT this is pure money. Im sold! Sign me up!!

There, I fixed that for you.

Man you guys are trolls. Lighten up.

Do you want me to kiss your boo-boo?

Kalinske from Sega would’ve gone all-in and killed it on Black Friday. Absolutely killed it. Nintendo royally blew it, and I am annoyed because I still want one and can’t even get one.

“black and right” ?

Spoken like a true bitch. Congrats!

an incredibly paintful accident. clickbait, click click click...

*fastest land animal for accuracy, agreed.

You just compared running to flying/

Its a little on the bright side, if you asked me.

Because lazy sloth kids holiday gluttony trumps good writing and topic.

Redacted. I need to be professional.

Dammit Barb. (sniff...)

Old news is old. Sorry.


And that sets precedent for how many thousands of other owners on turn in. VW stands to be double hosed, perhaps they deserve it..