The Unicorn

So gross.

“Guns dont kill people, I do” is the proper phrase.

Man, you really have propelled the conversation. Im spinning.

You *do* know who AMG is, right?

Dude! its Angry Metal Guy!

Side note, I love beer, farting, beef and art. I also like tittyfucking.

Shove your political b/s. Ive had enough of this b/s from Gawker etc for a lifetime. Gizmodo used to be so cool. You guys suck, your staff sucks, your opinions suck and you’re editing sucks. Your editorializing sucks, your clickbait sucks and YOU suck. Go piss on a sparkplug Anna. Get bent.

You dont have to be such a cunt about it.

I like to read Gizmodo, puts me right to sleep! I kid, I kid.

I was “lead” to believe that if I posted a “No. 2" “point” after an initial “mark” I would be able to be given a star. Unicorn please.

You sound like a teacher that needs to retire.

Quite clearly, you give stellar head.

Because your kitty stinks, thats why.

Your use of the word “reckless” is reckless. #UnicornFacts

You troglodyte, if you’ve ever come close to losing someone to a violent death, you would know that breathing was dead on.

Your significant other doesnt have her own phone and cant order ahead herself? Grow a set buddy. Lol!