
Paul Rudd, because I believe everything is made even better with Paul Rudd in it.

*snaps fingers* Yes!

You speak the true-true?

How badly do you have to fail as parents that you haven't actively discouraged your 9-year-old child's Trump love?

Walk Hard.

I can't remember the circumstances behind it, but I had acquired free passes to the preview showing of Batman & Robin. Much like The Thin Red Line ruined war movies for me for a decade, so too did Batman & Robin ruin Batman movies for me. I didn't even see Batman Begins in theatres, and it took me awhile when it was

DAMMIT, now I want… wait has it been… yes YES it has been 10 years (almost) since Walk Hard has been released. I DEMAND a retrospective/oral history/where are they now whatever article on that "far ahead of its time" masterpiece of film.

I like In Between Dreams. :(

I am immediately sorry that I got involved in this.

Dammit. Beat me to it. I would have gone with "Formerly Chuck's" as the reference.

What happened to the first 22 Grills?

I've probably heard Linkin Park at some point, but I could never point out an actual song of their's.

1. The Dark Knight
2. Inception
3. Memento
4. The Prestige
5. Insomnia
6. Interstellar
7. Batman Begins
8. The Following
9. The Dark Knight Rises

Me last week:
"Here's hoping next week has Strowman show up and truck Reigns and Joe, leading to a Fatal 4-way Elimination SummerSlam main event HOSSFIGHT SLOBBERKNOCKER."

I thought they were fancy cheeses, but what do I know, I'm just Canadian.

Here's hoping next week has Strowman show up and truck Reigns and Joe, leading to a Fatal 4-way Elimination SummerSlam main event HOSSFIGHT SLOBBERKNOCKER.

That series (and Calvin and Hobbes) helped form much of my sense of humour and comic sensibilities. Dryly hilarious. Plus, it wasn't just the writing but the art on the facials of the characters that really punchlined some jokes.

MAKE THIS MOVIE NOW. Or an HBO JLI series of the late 80s - early 90s version.

1500+ hours and you didn't do that? I'm pretty sure I did it through one of the mini-quests.

I thought 4chan were the Pepe people?