
I have it on one of the crappy DVDs Disney churned out. Minimal restoration done on it. I watched Tapeheads a couple weeks ago and have been in the mood for another Cusack 80s flick so perhaps I'll check it out tonight. Don't wait up!

Based on him shoving that other world leader out of his way a couple months ago, I imagine they'll have to drag him kicking and screaming from the Oval Office when either his term is up or he's impeached.

They got pissed about someone creating a meme that some could interpret as promoting violence against them and other members of the media from the President of the United States. I don't think that's them being thin-skinned, that's them holding this image up and saying "don't you see something inherently WRONG with

I dunno, my personal best was Renee Young's face after the Breezango bit (Tenee Young). It was so real and shocking to me that it showed an announcer actually paying attention to what's going on backstage and connecting to it, rather than just going out there and doing their lines.

I vaguely recall something about one of the members of Type O Negative being photographed for Playgirl and saying something like "nobody wants to see a flaccid penis".

Just the tips?

All of a sudden I really miss Bad News Brown.

He's not a "real" Hart, he just married into the family.

They know how to be cool.

Hard Candy?

I felt like that for years about Return to Oz.

The Titus Brand isn't making much sense at the moment. At first it was Titus bringing in Apollo and having him sorta turn heel against Kalisto, but then last night Titus and Apollo go against the heel tag champs. And Titus is trying to bring in Tozawa, who is a face. There's no consistency with it at all.

Booker had several "whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa" sounds escape from his mouth last night that I thought he was having some sort of seizure.

I was on acid for almost all of the first two seasons of Rick and Morty. At times it felt like that's what the writers were on when they wrote the show.

They are also heavily encouraging consumption of 'shrooms.

Love and a .45

I fully expected KO to pull a KO move and just walk out of the main event after telling the other two they should work as a team. But then you have Corbin with his own Lone Wolf thing. Hard to decide which self-interested character you should pull that move on, but with them going with Corbin, I can see him winning

He mentioned on Talking Smack that he has not been in one yet.

I was thinking it was going to happen on Talking Smack, but they were having so much fun out there. Mojo definitely planted some seeds with his talking about Zack getting his head straightened out.

I'm not sure about all your American laws, but what's the likelihood of Trump attempting to remove/fire whichever federal judge grants approval to this lawsuit?