
Well….. laugh.

This was a delight to read.

This was a delight to read.

Now I'm going to have to search the AVClub to see if there's a Random Roles article or ANYTHING on McGill. He's such a That Guy actor that I think he's actually overlooked as a That Guy actor.

I still have a soft spot for it, mostly because of Bruce McGill and that great scene where Damon's character explains what getting drunk does to brain cells.

I recall it existing and might have seen it because one of the other girls was a MuchMusic VJ that I found terribly attractive at the time. I recall nothing about it other than those three actors.

What about the Caribbean vs. Caribbean debate?

Jesus christ, did you just make me want to watch Pixels? HOW DARE YOU

This comment got me all misty-eyed. I've thought about it in the past and present, and I've never once thought of those people as being "selfish". I believe they struggled every day just to get through EVERY DAY, either being open with their pain or hiding it from most people. Whatever pain they're going through, I

I had a discussion with someone about what constitutes artificial ice. Like, it's frozen water in a place where it isn't usually located, but it's still real ice.

She was also in Four Rooms as a topless witch that Tim Roth's bellhop falls for.

"The only reason you stay here is so you can fuck my mother and eat her food. MOTHERFUCKER. FOOD EATER."

I think it was Moongoose actually.

Canadian Stampede, when the Hart Foundation is introduced. Biggest pop(s) I've heard in my life, and the Saddledome was absolutely rocking that night.

Growing up in Calgary, I was exposed to a lot of the Harts throughout town. Bruce Hart was often a substitute teacher at my juniour high school. I worked with Natalya's mom at a Home Outfitters. Does this have anything to do with your comment? It doesn't appear so.


I want to watch Breezango riff on everything forever. That Talking Smack segment was amazingly hilarious and weird. Fandango is gold.


He is from Calgary, after all.

I had to re-watch Breezango on Talking Smack because Fandango was just so damn great. Talking about fighting time, and Renee pointing out JBL's watch ("Tuck that in"), Renee asking about her bangs ("Yikes") and so much delightful weirdness. I wish it could be showcased on the actual SDL! show, but there's no way it