
Out of Sight has long been in my Top Five. It's criminally overlooked, under-seen, and is easily the best thing Jennifer Lopez will ever do in her life.

She's a bad egg.

Fallout 5 is happening soon? :O

He was quite excellent in Gremlins 2: The New Batch.

Us Canadians are easily startled.

I'm from Calgary, and the Hart Foundation vs. Steve Austin feud was amazing for a hometown boy. And Canadian Stampede I was in attendance for, easily the loudest I've ever heard a wrestling crowd be. And then everything fell apart.

Don't try to watch it again. Leave it where it is in your memories. It has aged BADLY, though not entirely the fault of Smith. For the longest time it was in my Top 5 Movies (and for some reason I always got laid after watching it with a woman), but the world and society and political correctness and social justice,

I always said that 300 was a great film student's final project. All style, no substance. I honestly haven't thought about it since I saw it and have no desire to see it again. In fact, most Snyder movies I end up hate-watching.

We're doing the "worst Spielberg film" thread again? Didn't we do this like 3 weeks ago? We're in a time loop!

In our new post-nuke world, Hawaii shall be the world's economic leader.

Man, that nuclear apocalypse is taking forever. When's it gonna get here?

Watch Out of Sight and wish for more.

A part of me wants things to get better, and a part of me wants disaster so I can be free and at peace. But thank you for your best wishes.

The fog has lifted the past couple days, but it's still lingering just out of sight, as it does. The mind is the worst motherfucker, telling you things that (probably) aren't true and pushing you further into that darkness. I've avoided therapy and medication because there's a part of me that doesn't want to be fixed,

What is this Avocado site you speak of? Google is returning only general, produce-related results.

He said "dicks" not "Dikachu".

Even though the commenters here can be a cantankerous, smarky bunch, I appreciate all the love and hopeful support being posted in the comments. I'm currently going through some severe depression mixed with suicidal thoughts (I still don't know how being suicidal is a mental illness, the hardest thing about this world

It still boggles my mind that it was on the air for 13 seasons. I saw a few episodes, but for all I knew, they were all the same episode.

It me.

This is a Most Precarious situation.