
The Director's Cut is much better. You vomit less.

I work with a guy who is the physical embodiment of a combination of Dean Norris and Michael Chiklis. It is unnerving.

It was a crime that Fast and Furious wasn't titled "Fast & 4ious"

Is that the end of the Superstar Shake-Up? I could have sworn at the end of Talking Smack that Renee said it will continue next week. That might explain the absence of Enzo and Cass on either show, as well as no mentions of Brock (though I don't think he's going to SDL, althoughhhh if Bray wins at Payback…). I don't

I'm guessing they're holding it off for a Total Divas thing, Ambrose proposing in the season finale or something.


So this is what it feels like to be right on the Internet. I wish I could bottle this feeling up. Thank you, I can die happy now.

You didn't really have to mention him being Canadian there. If we started applying national labels in every comment, you'd get pretty tired of seeing "American Idiot/Asshole/Dipshit/Shithead/etc." in every comment. We're as ashamed of him as you are ashamed of him as a human being.

I'm hoping he's not assigned to either brand and lives up to his name by just drifting through both shows. He can be the new Doink, just showing up in the background every once in awhile.

Yeah, but for some reason Amazon Canada has given me a ship date window of three months for it to arrive. Quite perplexed by that.

He is standing on it.

I too was disappointed in there not being a Rudderless section. Pretty amazing and devastating movie, but all music movies seem to really hit me hard.

"Charles Montgomery Punk" made me smile.

I can't imagine Trump studying anything.

All I want is for my fellow Canadians - Jericho and Owens - to have the match of the night and blow everyone else out of the water. I'm completely prepared to be disappointed by every other booking decision.

Can you ruin it for those of us that won't listen to podcasts?

I only vaguely remember that happening.

Wait wait wait, so because April Fool's falls on a Saturday this year, we're going to be subjected to a bunch of stupid shit tomorrow on March 31st? Because Internet content providers don't work on the weekend or something? Is that really going to happen? Fuck this stupid tradition.