

I appreciate this reference.

Trying to decide if he'd be the right fit for my dream "Blue & Gold" Blue Beetle and Booster Gold film. I'm talking late 80s-early 90s JLI Blue & Gold. Maybe Shane Black would be better for that, although Sorkin would be better for writing their secret identities.

Next Canada Day apparently!

I highly recommend Vancouver Island. Some of the cities are big, but toned done in their bigness compared to more metropolitan areas. Then there are plenty of small cities as well. The weather is mostly decent throughout the year, especially if you don't mind rain. We had more snow this winter than we've had in the

In this house we obey the laws of THERMODYNAMICS!

I solved that by opting for the awkward "Folds, Ben Five" option. It frustrates me more with movies I think. Batman Begins and the Dark Knight movies… frustrates me but I refuse to compromise.

By first name? UGH. I remember having a customer stop me and ask "Where's your Ozzy?" and pointing out that he was under "Osbourne". "OS" is not that far off from "OZ" so I imagine he would have figured it out eventually.

I started in the industry in Calgary as a clerk at a mom-and-pop video rental place in 2001-02, then got a third job (I was also a car shuttler for Avis at the time, my closest thing to a full-time job at that point) as a clerk at Music World. Eventually dropped the other two jobs and became an Assistant Manager at

One of the last soundtrack albums I've ever purchased was Scott Pilgrim vs. the World which is mostly excellent, so I will agree with you there. And I will hope for it to be featured in this column at some point.

I guess it depends on the store. I worked at a Music World (a long lost Canadian chain) in 2004-06, and a few of the clerks who worked there had seen it and loved it. We would do Top Five lists at work, I created a LiveJournal community (Top Five Reviews, it still exists but hasn't had any new content in years,

A fellow Lupin the Third lover! Some solid choices on here.

I walked out of the theatre decrying "art for art's sake". That movie ruined war movies for me for almost a decade. I don't think I watched Saving Private Ryan until mid 2000s.

Moulin Rouge! is an amazing movie … if you can get past the first 20 or so minutes.

The Cabin in the Woods was my choice.

Only reason mine isn't either of those is because I loved Fistful of Quarters so much.

My list was culled from my FlickChart, and it shows me that I didn't really start getting into movies until the early 90s. I also haven't gone back and watched many "missed" films from the 80s that my parents shielded me from. I'm mostly happy with this list, though there are a few years that are kind of embarrassing

I dunno, I seem to recall Matthew Perry being heavily into tennis before he became an actor, perhaps that was it.

And in the movie, there's a misspelling on Vinny Van Lowe's van. I can't tell if it's a deliberate joke or not. I should really listen to the commentary.