
Well the other characters are unaware of her being trapped in an elevator, so you might want to review your painfully incorrect comment.

A real up and comer.

His phone call discovery that his nephew (or whoever it was) was a werewolf was a perfect reaction for his character.

This is about Bowie, isn't it? I miss him too.

Ooooh animated, now that's actually a better idea than a bunch of real humans dressed up in super hero outfits. You get an amazing vocal cast that GET their characters (I can see Nathan Fillion channeling Captain Hammer again to fully embody Booster Gold), top notch animation (something Archer-esque I think), and the

I don't know if it was mentioned anywhere else in the comments, but there was something very specific about the way Kevin Owens said he could get his rematch with Goldberg "anytime". Almost to the point where it seemed like a Money in the Bank situation, and that he'd take the belt back from Goldberg after a beatdown

You just made me realise that my favourite version of J'onn is from the late 80s - early 90s JL/JLI stories. The writing in that series (Giffen and DeMatteis) really helped form my sense of humour in my formative years. The rapport between the teammates (especially Blue Beetle and Booster Gold), as well as unlocking

I don't think it's dumb to expect better storytelling. Maybe "expect" is the wrong word. "Hope for" would probably be more accurate. It was a ham-fisted finale that everyone saw coming to add another dynamic to a match that I have little interest in seeing YET again. There is nothing about Goldberg that makes me want

Resign or "other".

"I too. I too love spelling things correctly!"

"Nobody loves spelling things correctly more than me!"

That made me laugh way too hard.

I was shooting for specific tales.

I still own Surf's Up on DVD, and I remember enjoying it because of the conceit, although I do recall being frustrated that it appeared to be ignored at some points. I'd have to re-watch it, but I seem to recall some sort of slide through a mountain with Shia and Zooey as not making sense with the mockumentary format.

It seems like you have stories to tell.

If Strowman doesn't have a match going in, I imagine he'll win the Andre Battle Royal.

Oh I get it. You can't see him.

I've found it best to watch the show in the background. If you follow too closely, it can become maddening. True, it can cause you to miss many fun things, but it also prevents insanity.