
Is the headline a typo? Is it supposed to read “the first blue moon eclipse in 150 years?”

Think it was more to try to keep it close as not to offend the Alexa users. The one that gets me is I have had a Echo since late 2014 and now several Google Homes and it is a huge difference in intereacting with the devices.

Google does that. They may have even done it before Amazon.

You are a disgrace. It’s:
Up, up, down, down, left, right, left, right, b, a, [select] start.

A lot of people are commenting with some really important things, but also important is that the code is up, up, down, down, left, right, left, right, B, A, (select if you’re doing 2-player,) start. Up, down, up, down, etc. isn’t gonna get you anywhere. 

A couple things.. First you are close on the code but, try this.. Up Up Down Down Left Right Left Right B A. Second, just pay the fee if you have the receipt otherwise you are stuck with attempting a regift.

Man, people need to learn to get the Konami Code right!

you had me till you messed up-up-down-down-left-right-left-right-b-a

posted this elsewhere as well. there’s so much malarkey in this story not sure where to begin...

It looked good to me but possible broken halyard or jammed shive at the top of the mast but then they could have used the jib. It is a furler and if that was jammed as well they could have let it out by hand. Something is odd here

Agree - mast looks fine, furler even looks fine... In 5 months, you could figure out something to do with the spars and sails you obviously have onboard...

No, what I’m saying is “Here is how to watch Star Trek: Discovery.”

But the point where they’re breaking in is by far the time they’re most likely to get caught. It’s the point where they are both visible exposed and where any suspicious activity does in fact look notably suspicious. The point is they can compromise the lock from offsite, then just walk up and open the door like

It’s actually ironic that many people have denounced this bit of writing because of the incorrect or contentious elements/facts, while blindly ignoring there is a strong and valid core and that very denunciation is actually evidence of much of the core underlying point of the latter half of the document, which is

You don’t explain away the gap. You examine it closely. This will certainly be a factor, but it’s not anywhere near all of it. Another large chunk of the gap starts in childhood development when gender roles are reinforced in play and in examples they are shown in movies/TV. Aptitudes will vary across the board -

Ironically that was one of the points the email author is making.

Sheesh. This could have been so much worse. Not saying they are correct, just saying if he’s an asshole he’s at least a thoughtful one.

I’ve been on hangouts for about 2 years. You can set it so it doesn’t show when you are online, or last online, and how you are accessing it (you could hide that info in gchat too). Assuming people have selected the option that allows that information to show, the green dots show when someone is currently online. If