
Maybe I should have been more clear about the criteria, but we already did a Co-Op for USB charging hubs, which the PowerPort won! I’ve always considered a travel charger to be a single, self-contained entity that you can throw in a bag and plug directly into the wall.

Maybe I should have been more clear about the criteria, but we already did a Co-Op for USB charging hubs, which the

To be fair, you’re not entirely wrong. I would only add that the comment is still fairly troubling even when it is given a fair reading. Higgins is calling for the following in the case of what is, essentially, thought crimes. I mean... being radicalized doesn’t necessarily make you a terrorist (as I think Higgins may

He qualifies it by saying to hunt down radicalized Muslims (once identified), not every Muslim. Its one thing to post a stupid Facebook post (which it is), its another to post a stupid news article based on a willful misreading. Isn’t this what we were excoriating the alt-right for during the election?

“...the plane will hopefully fly into low Earth orbit...”

Good tip, will do.

Simply call the front desk and tell them you’re trying to get an xbox or ps4 on the internet. They’ll immediately forward you to IT. Tell IT you have the MAC address already and how long you’re staying, and they’ll keep you authorized for the entire trip. I’ve done this several times (10+) and never run into an

Now playing

Here it is in glorious HD. Man: 1, Roo: 0.

Who is giving 10% of their monthly income to a make believe sky fairy (tithe)? Are these people insane?

On the other hand, you’re bloggers who “Spend the Day Ripping Lines From Reddit,” so let’s call it even.

Google OnHub by TP-Link

Google OnHub by TP-Link

Linksys WRT54G - Because it’s timeless.

Linksys WRT54G - Because it’s timeless.

Before then, they had TVs. Before that the radio. Before that Grandma with a book. Before that Grandma and a cave painting.

I’ve got a 13 year old and a 4 year old. Parenting is easier with tablets.

Water resistance has only become important since the iphone has it.

“I’m sorry, but has already rejected your application 3 times now”

I don’t think I understand the spacebar thing. Mine does nothing if I’ve typed a text and then hold the spacebar.

You actually get the mechanical advatage when using the keys by having the rest of the keys at 90 degrees to the one being used. You would actually have quite a bit more advantage than a normal key.

Tear up your hand? Did you even think about what you typed?

The other two keys could be turned sideways to give extra torque.