
Correct me if I’m wrong but the gist of your article appears to be,

You say this like atheists go to atheist church to decide how best to evangelize atheism.  Problem with that, as an atheist I don’t care what you believe. Just don’t force it on me or anyone else. Don’t let it hold back scientific progress and don’t be a racist bigot justified by your misinterpretation of your

This is definitely a weird take on the whole thing. How you can even be marginally aware of what happened and feel Crowder should be removed from the platform seems extremely out of character for anyone who considers themselves a leftist.

Do you guys do any research or are you just in the business of hit pieces? I’m a california liberal born and raised. But this culture of everyone being insulted and offended is crazy. Crowder wasn’t making videos attacking Maza. He was making videos debunking his series of videos and for brief moments mocked Maza.

If you've ever listened to Steven Crowder, you'd know that he isn't far right

He has the right to have it towed, he does not have the right to privately impound and impose arbitrary fees outside of an agreed-upon arrangment

The sun’s inevitable expansion will start adversely impacting Earth’s habitability long before it reaches maximum expansion (which is the 5 billion figure). The planet will be hot enough that the oceans boil off within a billion years by some estimates and obviously it will stop being habitable well before that point.

What space is not, and will never be, is the key to saving our species.

“Gates is worth over $101 billion, which should literally be considered a crime in a civilized”



Businesses with a lot of lines for many legitimate reasons. Honestly I kind of hate that my office phone dials out with my direct number because a lot of people know they want to talk to my organization but my direct line is a different exchange so they won’t answer or they have my number as their point of contact but

Yeah if you’re a small business owner, or someone who earns their money by basically having to answer the phone - it sucks. It really does. I just don’t think the FCC will do much about it. But I hope to be pleasantly surprised. Who knows.

Judging by your words, that’s called “cultural appropriation”. Not racism.

That is a weird, though not unheard of, thing to do. It is also deeply racist.

While I reside in the Apple Universe, I use both iTunes and Google Play. Decided to get Google Home (my first purchase outside of the Apple environment and way better than Apple’s product). Just ported my 4000+ songs and playlists from iTunes to GP, so I could listen to them on Google Home.

Weird how the Microsoft Store isn’t even a consideration even though it is in 99% of all Windows PCs (minus the Windows 7 holdouts), I can see how it would be overlooked, with it’s UHD streaming to the Xbox One.

In general, go with Google Play. Its platform agnostic when comes to playing purchased content where iTunes is not. This means if on Android phones/tablets amd switch to Apple (or vice versa) the stuff will still be playable. If windows guy and switch (or vice versa) still playable. Apple has a lot of their stuff

Choose either, rip the DRM and put the movies on Plex.

Can someone tell David that it doesn’t matter where you buy them if you have the Movies Anywhere app?