
You do not understand the Law of Conservation of Energy do you?

Oh I see now ...Get an automatic transmission, peasant! :)

Sorry to pick nits but a Gun != Howitzer technically this is a Self Propelled Howitzer a Gun you would find on a tank. Also not to steal Germany's thunder but M107, M110 ;-)

a parsec is a unit of distance, not time.

Thank -God-. Thank safety equipment.
Fixed it.

They also don't have the launch codes, that guy hangs by the presidents door in case it ever hits the fan!

are you suggesting that he sensationalized the story for higher clickthroughs??

Adam , they left the blast door open to the Launch Control Center (LCC). It is nowhere near any of the silos that house the missiles.

What's wrong with that question?

"It really makes you wonder if Google will completely abandon a product it is charging money for when you see it let quality degrade on a completely free service that no one is paying for."

I mean, say what you will about the balloons (though I was under the impression the goal there was not to provide free wifi so

That was true in the past but for at least the past 10 years if not more there has been an explosion of excellent brewers. Yes there are plenty of microbrews that are still crap but there are also quite a few world class beers with actual flavor and balanced levels of alcohol for the type of brew. And if high alcohol

Non-alcoholic beers take a lot of flack, and rightly so. The great majority of them taste like swampwater (and give

Hogwash on the permitting. You will get out of some permit requirements, but it's impossible that you'll avoid them all if you're building a structure with the amenities required to be considered a house. In addition, not having a contractor on the job does NOT in any way free you from permitting requirements. At all.

Nonsense. Faith is active. Do you actively have faith that Athena doesn't exist? Do you actively have belief that the thousands upon thousands of Hindu gods you don't believe in don't exist? Of course not - that's ridiculous.

Atheists don't. And no, you can't have faith in "not believing."

This was one of a series of efforts to create an artificial ionosphere. The sun naturally ionizes air in an irregular layer around 50-300 miles up. Under some conditions radio signals reflect off this layer back to the earth's surface instead of going on out into space, making it possible to receive them at

The wired source article is much better. It was a bunch of 2cm wire needles. They were meant to be a semi-permanent radio reflector.

That is a router/gateway, not a cable-modem.

Airports are just routers, you still need a modem to connect to your isp's network. Also you can buy better routers for much less.