
Mess, by encouraging tipping you’re encouraging the problem — tipping ends up ENSURING the employer won’t pay a living wage - because they can rely on ‘tipping’ which is a TERRIBLE way to make a living.

The main reason Westeros is in this ridiculous state is because of Sansa in the first place. She essentially started the chain reaction of hostages, beheadings, and murders when she decided to tell Queen Cersei what her father Ned was up to.

Here’s a quick tip that’s EVEN FASTER.

this is for DEFOG not defrost. Please fix headline.

I replace my bulb (~$150) every 3 years. That isn’t a lot of maintenance.In fact, it takes longer to change the batteries in the remote than to replace my projector bulb. Short throw projectors don’t need 6+ feet of space. If you don’t have 6 feet of space you’re doing something wrong.

Quirk in English language I think has you misreading what I wrote. Fortune 500 companies and THEIR 1000’s of employees — Each company can bring 1000’s of employees —- Further, it’s not the simple fact that these companies are bringing users, it’s the fact that they are Fortune 500 companies — companies that have

The ole ‘If I don’t use it, it’s stupid and dead’ trick. Must be why all of these ‘stupid and dead’ Fortune 500 companies, and their 1000’s of employees join Google+ every year.

He’s referring to the fact that there are additional sensors and interfaces which greatly improve the user experience. Drift is pretty bad with regular Google Cardboard — these updated sensors help cancel that out.

I think you misread the note.

??? Missing about a dozen? As I understand it, there are really only about a dozen to begin with. I think you’re off a bit on your number.

@takeshi is right. But it is really just a matter of how poorly Sprint has rolled out their network tech, especially LTE. What a disaster.

At least on the Innovator Edition (name?), in order to use the hardware built into the headset (‘better’ gyro/accels, touchpad) you had to use the Note 5. Allegedly, Samsung did some blending of the position data from the headset and the built in Note5 hardware.

I know some are using the MotoG on Fi —- There are limitations.

Phone number is treated the same; you port it just like you would between any other carriers. I’ve had my number for 17 years (not that its a contest) and would have been a huge deal for me to lose it.

Switching between data networks is exactly as it happens on other phones now between H/LTE/E/WiFi — Pretty much unnoticeable. Also, you can use a Nexus 5 — some limitations but plenty of info on the intertubes about how to do it.

You can use Nexus 5, just not officially supported. There is a limitation on one of the radio bands I think as well — plenty of info on the tubes about how to get it setup. Good luck!


I hate that Fi states “Fastest Connection” b/c, like you pointed out, that is in practice ridiculously incorrect. What it really TRIES to do is give you the ‘BEST’ connection, which is awfully subjective. I put in a Fi Suggestion to have a user configurable setting where you can choose from something like the

SDMUFN on AOL in 1995.

LOL - Nice.