
Yes I read the article. There was no such video that exploited the flaw. If you disagree, please post your proof; should be pretty easy.

Preprocessing video links in a text message does NOT automatically cause a security hole.

Elected President....

Cruise missile is far too expensive. If we were worried about the asset falling into the wrong hands (this case we clearly were not), normally they send up another aircraft (or retask an asset in the area) to drop some cheap ordinance on it.

Why are Submarines classified as SS (eg: SSB, SSG, SSBN, etc)

Are you trolling in your own article?

completely agree with the responses to your post; Cruises are a great time. There are risks, just like doing anything. Appreciate them, and mitigate them to whatever level you feel is necessary. This article is retarded. I’ve been on 12 (kinda a guess at this point) cruises; never once did I, nor anyone I was with,

LOL! You know this is Gizmodo right? Take your unbiased ass somewhere else!

My opinion: Leaving children in the car is perfectly fine: As long as nothing out of the ordinary occurs while you are away. Yes, they are perfectly safe in the car, under normal circumstances. But where I have to concede are the atypical situations. IE: Someone runs into your parked car. Someone carjacks the car. A

When you wrote, “ALL POWER” I think you meant “AC POWER”. DC Power (battery backup) would be unaffected.

From reading the linked article, the plaintiff sounds like they have no idea what they are talking about. I’m going to guess this is what happened:

I actually really like those! I think it may be useful to have a 'never show this' setting kinda like they do with Google Now. That way we could both be happy.

You're using some pretty aggressive wording to describe your laziness for setting up an account. For the most part, it would have taken you less time to setup those accounts, than it took you to write this article.

I guess I can kinda see your point. How about if he mentioned using a Kleenex to blow his nose when he clearly used an Up&Up brand facial tissue? I guess part of the argument is that many more people recognize and refer to Google Cardboard compared to those that are familiar with Dodocase VR kit. Full disclosure: I

So, I tried this out last night. Did you ever get the shareware version of DOOM running properly? Everytime I tried it, the screen that showed on my headset was a console window of sorts.

And I'd like to thank Microsoft for my controller, and MSI (?) for my wonderful laptop. Thanks to Alliant Energy for the power and I'd like to thank the dinosaurs for dying to provide fuel for the power plant.

The 5 most dangerous types of 'Storm Trooper'

I don't think you realize what you're promoting.

I appreciate your position, but your examples are confusing the issue. For example, you wrote: "Unless you also think it's reasonable that walking into a bank could net you 10 years in solitary as a way to dissuade bank robbery."

"There's no reason to make it illegal to access a medium that many use for legal and morally acceptable ends because a certain number of people do something wrong with it."