
Would you be happier if I had posted:

I read the story.

Oh noes! Prisoners cannot use Facebook! Call the ACLU!

TFRs are nothing new.

Beat me to it. That whole Graphic Interchange Format angle is so stupid that is basically disproves itself.

If you've tried to use your Chromecast in a hotel before, you probably experienced a block to the Wi-Fi connection. Next time pack a portable wireless router, too. Plug the router into the wall's ethernet port and plug the Chromecast into the HDMI port on the television. Connect your Chromecast to the portable router

So, I thought about this more last night. Again, pretend you have two earths. Each earth will pull on the other earth with the force F. Each earth will then move towards the other, there by cutting the total distance traveled by each earth in half. Relative to each other, the earths will travel at twice the speed

Actually, heavier objects do indeed fall slightly faster since they have more gravity of their own. Usually we simplify the gravity equation and remove the mass of the object in question, but when you leave it in, it actually accounts for a very slight increase in forces between the two objects.

Use the mobile app instead of SMS.

Try to focus on my point. Snowden broke the law. I think you do have an important idea to talk about, but it really isn't related to whether Snowden broke the law.

I'm not saying what the NSA does is correct; Snowden clearly broke the law - a rather important law as well. Is the world better because he broke the law? Maybe. He still broke the law.

Queue fire prevention drone crashing and starting a forest fire.

Start singing 8-bit video game sound tracks. GOLD MINE

This is definitely NOT the stealthy variant in the picture. The 'stealthiness' would get applied in a secret hanger without pictures. Remember the pictures of what remained of the MH-60's that were used to get Osama? The 47s would likely get a similar treatment.

Thanks Posigrade - Very helpful. Any idea why Wes considers the BG Survival knife a toy? What makes the Cholera a real knife in comparison? Maybe just the BG moniker just pushes most serious knifers to disregard it?

I'm a knife noob - but I love them. Although I fear a good flaming for bringing up this knife, you seem like 'the knife guy' so here goes.

Making fun of the preinstalled apps is different than making fun of the 'number' of preinstalled apps :) <troll mode> At least Google's preinstalled apps are useful </troll mode>

First: Solution = Root

Insert Horse

I'm glad you posted this as it was almost exactly what I thought when reading this article. I'm pretty sure he asked for exactly "three more clips of five-five-six, eight grenades, and an extra battery."