
Oh no! A Chris-cross could be disastrous!

I never liked Gandalf the White as much as Gandalf the Grey, and I never liked him coming back. I think it would have been an even stronger story if Tolkien had left him dead.

Duh, they’ll go at night.

Huh. Well, I guess at least she’s bi.

If they take him at his word and he walks from the movie/franchise, it will be another nail in the coffin. GotG without Gunn would be a mistake. GotG without the core team or a recast thereof would be shameful.

Dave continues to prove he’s a stand up righteous dude who doesn’t fuck around.

These characters are a triumph of sweet innocence over relentless cynicism. It’s a great way to stay timeless.

I’d rather just have a new singleplayer RPG, honestly.

Or centuries before.  They might be able to do some neat stuff with the KOTOR era.

I honestly hope every Star Wars movie after IX is set centuries after the OT.

God dammit, and he’s shown himself to have become a better dude over the years too. Fuck this shit.

Because conservatives are evil people.

Well, with all due respect, you really fucked this story up, James. No mention of the alt-right monster who dredged these up as supposed “proof” of a nefarious pedophile conspiracy theory in Hollywood? How this is an ideologically-motivated hit job orchestrated by someone who operates entirely in the realm of

Right wingers can say whatever sexist and racist thing they want and nothing happens (see current president). A “lefty” cannot have done anything wrong in their life, or they will have their careers ruined.

Can’t wait for Quidditch through the Ages: We Swear Dumbledore Is Actually Gay, but We Won’t Confirm It in Actual Media Because We’re Afraid It Will Hurt Our Profits

Johnny Depp should drink a potion in the first 2 minutes and turn back into Colin Farrell.

It was the only possible end point for him. Anyone who has felt the pull of depression and despair when they’re otherwise positive and hopeful knows that a shattering, traumatic event like, say, having your entire temple burnt to ash and your pupils massacred by your erstwhile protege and nephew would definitely drive

I’ve got a lot going on in my life right now, numerous family crises happening simultaneously. Along with the horrors of the current presidential administration that make me weep for the nation.