
Because you have a soul, you silly old bear.

I have zero nostalgia for Pooh and it still gets me. How is that even possible?!

I don’t get it. How can we have such real animations on one hand, and then on the other, we can’t remove a mustache??

Well, the island blows up, so that’s new.

Because the alternative was letting Tony Stark die. My theory is that Strange saw that the one winning scenario involves Tony heavily, and so despite what he’d said earlier, he needed to trade the Time Stone for Stark’s life. Hence the “It was the only way” line.

How is it random? Eddie is a reporter, he reports on a sketchy science business, an employee there tracks him down confirming shady shit is going down, he goes in, gets infected, and the company tries to kill him while he wrestles for control over the symbiote’s bloodlust. This is as straightforward as it gets.

“Before we get started...does anyone want to get off?”

He’s the best Superman we never got. know, while RDJ rightly gets a shitton of credit for how his portrayal of Tony Stark basically gave the MCU the shot of life it needed, Chris Evans might be the best in the MCU, in terms of acting skill.

I honestly don’t think there is ANY actor in Hollywood right now who can act or look or sound like Harrison Ford. They just don’t have people like that anymore. Alden might even be one of the best they could’ve gotten. Just do what I do: ignore the whole Han Solo part and just look at this as another random sci-fi

His voice is the biggest distraction. Harrison Ford has such a distinct voice.

I’ll still never understand the casting of the lead for this film.

Luke doesn’t do well with plans.

Anything on why R2 was left at the rebel base and powered down .?

I think the issue is less her rescuing herself and more about how ugly it was on screen. The scene was just poor cinematography and crappy cgi.

Holy fuck man, you have been bitching about this for months. Also, it has been explained.

See, this is more like a Han Solo movie should be. It’s about Han Solo, it should be fun. The actual Solo trailer looks...stodgy.

Every explanation of a scene is always an interpretation. If the meaning was meant to be explicit, he would’ve written an essay.

not only opposed his actions, but was shocked to find out and it was a painful experience letting him go. that seems quite crucial to his story.

I’d be in agreement with you a lot of the time—certainly you could say that the main Harry Potter series would be fine without the romances. But in this case one of the central story conflicts is that Dumbledore loves Grindelwald, the man, while opposing his actions. I don’t really think you can “take the romance out”