
I’m so glad the initial comments are positive. I unabashedly love this series (of only two movies so far).

If you vote for Trump in 2020. America as you know it dies.

There is literally a guy with an “A” on his helmet, and stars and stripes on his shield called CAPTAIN AMERICA - who leads the charge against that character. I know this shouldn’t piss me off so much but golly.

Trump’s campaign misusing a meme doesn’t so much concern me as Trumpo trying to pull literal Nazi shit with an executive order declaring Judaism to be a nationality. Not only is this continuing Trump’s anti-semitic “Jews = Israel” stance, but it’s also another step in justifying deporting Jews. Because if Jews are a

She’s also gotta be sexy. You gotta find out that she only wants to kill dogs because her parents were killed by the Hound of the Baskervilles or something, and also that she used to be hot.

Cruella? Really? We need an origin story movie about a woman who wants to skin dogs for coats? One that makes her seem not all that bad a la Malificent?

It was foretold that someday something would come along to make the Super Mario Brothers movie look amazing. Rejoice brothers and sisters, that day has arrived!

IMHO, Chris Hemsworth’s comedic chop is underrated.

You just got Muppet Babies spin off that I’d pay good money to see.

It helps that the rows of seats at my neighborhood theater are now way farther apart.

3 hours is fine. I’m a Lord of the Rings veteran. I watched the Extended editions too.

I have two problems with Jafar: he’s too young, and his voice is not deep enough.

This is much improved over the first trailer, but whoever is playing Jafar seems emotionless and cold. You knew he was evil in the original, but he was a least a little charismatic.

John didn’t have to go on a murder spree over a dog

I bet this movie ends up being what the 2016 movie should have been.

After Ghostbusters 2 the Ghostbusters disappear. But so does ghost activity. Was it real, and they defeated the ghosts? Was it all a prank? Who knows!

Thirty years go by and everything is quiet.. many people forget about the events of the 80s (sure,

Anyone else suddenly want to skip the rest of the work day, go home, put on Hook, and break out old 80s/90s Lego pirate ships?

Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull

It’s been 10 years since the show concluded, that really isn’t that bad of a distance from a different media reboot/ remake.

I think I would love either of those, but I would hate the internet for a few weeks afterwards.

As recently as six months ago I would’ve been eager for an Obi-Wan film, but at this point I fear it can only go one of two ways: