
Special destinies cause trouble. The last two people in Star Wars to really talk about the importance of a special destiny were Darth Vader and The Emperor, trying to convince Luke. Ben Solo/Kylo Ren seems like someone who believed his lineage gave him some kind of special destiny.

Rey choose her life, just like Finn.

The nyt can go fuck themselves.

Mr. Trump, are the rumors true that you will build a Trump Tower in Wakanda to help repair relations with the African nation?

President Trump after your recently reported comments on Africa, are you concerned that the Black Panther movement is gaining traction in Wakanda?

Just like Yoda wanted to think of himself as a cool lovable muppet and not a CGI mess.

Its amusing that this scene also somewhat justifies using Christensen as Anakin’s force ghost in Jedi. Clearly they can exert control over the appearance of their astral projection, so it follows that they can also decide how they look as a ghost. And Anakin wanted to think of himself as he was before he fell (still

The best part is that nobody knows Luke is dead except Luke. The entire First Order, and Kylo Ren in particular, is likely convinced that there’s this massively powerful Jedi still out there, somewhere, that now he’s pissed, and that they can’t be sure whether he’s there or not even if they see him.


An opinion is an opinion, and you’re far from alone in not liking this movie, but did we really need to know who Snoke was?

It was not on her to explain herself to Poe. It was on Poe to have faith in her leadership. As soon as he finds out her plan, he plans a mutiny. Because he thinks he knows better. He’d have done the mutiny earlier if she’d told him. That’s all. If he’d followed orders like everyone else in the Resistance, the plan

Why does Snoke’s backstory matter? We don’t know Obi-Wan’s backstory, and it makes not a whit of difference. Ditto for Yoda. Every i and t does not need to be dotted and crossed.

Is Rey the chosen one? Nah, fuck that. She’s just the child of space Whitney and Bobby who is a self made hero.

While I like Revan, a lot... I’m not gonna lie, I’ve actually always found the Jedi Exile to be the more compelling of the two KotOR protagonists. The way the game approaches her service in the war, how she was treated by the Jedi afterwards, her relationship with the Force and Kreia... I really, really loved all of

An entire movie about an ancient muppet alone in a swamp? That sounds gripping.

It’s almost as if it’s a bad faith argument that’s made to try and rationalize the marginalization of certain people in fiction, y’know?

“Unless it applies to the plot, it doesn’t matter” never made sense to me. There are tons of things, moments, character interactions, backstory, etc, included in tons of movies, TV shows, films, etc. that don’t have anything whatsoever to do with the plot, but provide extra context for, you know, the characters. The

My thoughts and prayers are with those struck down by the Death Star.

However, stopping a good guy with a lightsaber only requires a bad guy with a stun baton, or a lot of bad guys with guns.

Yeah, but the only way to stop a bad guy with a lightsaber is a good guy with a lightsaber.

Shit, this guy gets it.