

Looks to me like Europe is awesome at space, other than our NASA I don’t think there is anyone else who could orbit and hit a planet 33.9 million miles away.

I gotta go with Van Wilder on this one. The man survived not only Origins, but Blade 3, and has seen the dangers of Auteurs getting handed the keys to the kingdom and getting delusions of grandeur. Bigger budget means more cooks, means less freedom, means distilled product, which seems to fly in the face of

I hate to sound mean, but in all honesty, the only thing that popped into my head when I read this was ohthankchrist, just on a loop.

Deadpool movie is a brainchild of Ryan Reynolds, that movie wouldn’t have happened without him. Or am I missing something?


Ugh Assassins Creed barely even needs the modern day stuff. What makes it compelling is the ongoing battle throughout two secret societies over the ages and this secret alternate history that exists. The modern day stuff helps frame that but is hardly necessary to enjoy the core of the franchise, which is stabbing

Maybe I’m in the minority, but I thought the scene was pretty clear about Kylo’s conflict and why he killed Han. It seemed obvious that Kylo was convincing himself, and doubling down on his decision to stay on the dark side. I definitely think the scene was much more tragic for that, rather than if Kylo was just

Only if they lived somewhere that had IMAX at the time. The only IMAX theaters I visited before age 20 or so were multihour drives away, at museums, and only showed educational films.

Fortunately for us, giant insects come from a time per-dinosaurs when the earth had a huge abundance of oxygen.

This animation style reminds me so much of Johnny Quest.

That belongs in a theatre!

Counterpoint: Jurassic World was good

“A fair enough point but a movie shouldn’t leave me questioning every single thing about the plot and characters like... I need some reason to see it”

“This movie is nothing but endless questions.”

That depends on the execution. Will it be like the MCU, where the risk of burnout is offset by constantly bringing in new characters and types of stories? Or will it be like Star Trek circa 1994-2002, where all but the most slavishly devoted fans eventually stopped giving a crap?

So the Darth part is in the legs... interesting.

I want to see a Obi Wan movie starring Ewan McGregor. A broken man in the barren wasteland of Tatooine. Give it a Western vibe and have Obi Wan finally avenge the death of Qui-Gon Jinn as Darth Maul shows up to wage vengeance on Obi Wan and chase after the rumour that Darth Vaders son is on Tatooine. Maul views Vader

Aiming kinda low ain't he?

Rickman’s character died, though. Is Snape even in the play?