
On the other hand, if the network restricts the usage to those with cable, they can’t turn around and blame people without cable for not watching. They did both.

Yup I hear you. That’s a major failing from the powers that be. Why would you download the app to watch the show...when you can just watch the show from your cable provider?

I tried the app but then I saw you needed to have a cable provider(which I don’t) to actually stream it, so I couldn’t do it on the damn app.

it’s hilarious how they “blame” millennials.

There you are, Peter......

I don’t know why people hate on this movie, honestly. It’s required Christmas viewing at our house. Dustin Hoffman is perfect as Hook, the soundtrack is great, really all the pirate sections are wonderful, and all the actors (except Julia Roberts) bring their A game. Yes, the Lost Boys are dated, but that’s because