
People are making a lot of inferences from very little non-verbal information. Was she unamused by the joke? Safe to say yes. Was she enraged? Doubtful. Was she just tired of the same old same old? Maybe. In the end, the joke was tired, relatively lame, and poorly delivered - regardless of whether or not Taylor Swift

Taylor Swift? More like Taylor’s miffed!

I’m in the greys so no one will see this, but legit question: has Taylor come out and said she was pissed about the joke? Is he hopping mad and everyone at the GGs has had earful about it? So far it seems like a lot of speculation from a lot of people (including this very site) without many facts, but I may just be a

I was very shocked when I learned, just recently, that Selena Gomez is the most followed person on Instagram. She hasn’t had a big record or huge movie role or cross-cultural TV hit or even some sort of scandal that would provide notoriety. But it’s weird that she has a sort of non-intersecting appeal to so many

I’d hope he’d do it just to tie Rodgers up in court for a bit on some stupid shit he said. Let that be as much a part of his legacy as Brett Favre stealing welfare money.

Every screenshot of Aaron Rodgers on Zoom looks like he just got kicked out of the methadone clinic for smoking ivermectin.

Not that Kimmel is in need of the money. And he may simply want to forget about it, as it’d be a burn of time that he’s probably chronically short of.

It's so wild and busted that we even give airtime to the opinions of the terminally concussed.

Repeatedly highlighting how much this guy sucked at this dumb gig really isn’t doing anybody any favors. It’s unnecessarily mean to a relative unknown, and I’d think AV Club writers would have at least a little empathy for people who aren’t funny but are desperately trying to be so on a bigger stage than their skills

Can someone explain the driving thing to me?

I mean, he wasn’t good. His delivery made it seem like even HE didn’t believe in the material. But that said, it’s freaking crazy how people are upset over the Taylor Swift joke, which was WILDLY inoffensive. It was genuinely just about the most kid-gloves “barb” possible.

I think she’s fully taken for granted, and is so natural on camera that she doesn’t have the ACTING...SO...HARD thing that often leads to Oscar wins (think DiCaprio in The Revenant).

I knew we were in trouble when he made that Barbie-boobies joke. It was pretty clear he didn’t have the zeitgeist on the movies up for awards.

He’s a working comic. If you follow the industry you know him. But I put him in the same class as, say, Salvo Maniscalco, where like, he’s making bank, always working crowded rooms, clearly successful at his craft, you may have seen random clips of him floating around online, but your average person doesn’t know who

This is a major, pernicious problem that almost all major studios have: they exhibit ZERO confidence in Black movies and movies with Black leads international appeal.

I really like Meryl Streep, but I think this continues to be an astute observation about her from The Onion:

Holy sh*t. That’s unreal.

I think Carrie Coon is legally obligated to appear in every prestige TV drama at some point. She’ll get to that resort eventually. 

You’re not alone. There’s dozens of people like you! Dozens!

Unfortunately, his Peloton instructor couldn’t hear Nolan’s response because the background music drowned out his words.