
That’s not what DEI is about and that is not how it work. However, this is exactly what whatever right wing “media” wants you to think it is.

My favorites are the “Mucho Macho” and “Mayrun”.

Thanks to Trump and Musk there won’t be an NHTSA soon, and voila - no more pesky recalls for anyone.

though the automaker is yet to release a service bulletin.”

This is America, so you can only shoot at potential UAPs if you see a group—also known as a school—of smaller drones.

What happened to my country? This is America! We used to solve every problem by shooting at it!

for her that’s not an overreaction. This is the woman who complained about Jewish space lasers and hurricanes targeting conservative voters... somehow. 

Man, what’s with the frantic over-reaction from MTG? 

With a kerosene engine, better known as Jet-A, it won’t be any quieter than your turboprop.  In fact, likely a very similar engine. 

“No. I’ve ruined two perfectly good Ferraris!”

Ten bucks says the asshole will demand they put his name in giant letters on the side of the plane.

Or they know what it is and they don’t want to tell you.  It’s probably us (the U.S.).

Flying Robots Of Unusual Size?

Are you asking if Scottie (a habitual liar from rural Kentucky) owned a one-off special Syclone made by Gale Banks for a land speed record attempt? Please. Besides, even if he did acquire it back in the late-90s there isn’t a road long, straight, or level enough in this county to hit that speed in probably any car.

I still hear people complain about how cars used to be safer because they used more steel. A lot less often than I heard that in 90s, but it still leaves me dumbfounded every so often. They’re not even all boomers, either. 

Two things can be true:

::sniff, sniff::

I mean, I would have assumed the Cybertruck could be exposed to water or sunlight without falling apart, but we all know how that worked out. I’m sure SpoiledSeafood will come to tell us all about it, but I wouldn’t be surprised if the cars themselves lie as much as their God does. If there is a disclaimer, I would be

Next week on Youtube: VINWiki’s “How I obtained this super car from Syria during a war”