What kills me is so many of them don’t have a dipstick and the only way to fill is from underneath
What kills me is so many of them don’t have a dipstick and the only way to fill is from underneath
When is the next eclipse so he can stare at it and burn a hole in his brain, hopefully then a worm can move in
Mare Incognitum, or here there be idiots to the north
Yeah folks get complacent because it is so straight, the chunk around Crossfield is usually a mess, snow freezing rain wind and the idiots
I wonder if cat pee is as much of a problem as rodent pee ?
Driver A gets DUI, gets friend to post bail he takes driver A’s car to police station while impaired, repeat as necessary
okay I thought each Pontiac driver was getting multiple DUIs, not that it isn’t possible
Just looking for a 4bt swap, roll coal with yer Tesla and own the Libs !!!! /s
Surprised not to see ‘will it make a 400 mile trip ? ‘any warranty’ ‘can I get a closeup of the left rear jacking point’ etc
The 2CV in For your Eyes only should get an edition
It’s almost like we can’t trust a thing this sack of crap says anymore, or ever
He will just fire them and replace with Telsla’s PR department
My Lada’s toolkit was a rock and a bottle of vodka, if you couldn’t fix it with the rock, start drinking
Baragon is behind this
It’s like the big orange man has no plan and no clue about how what he does affects others.
Yep we built our system based on these exports, keep asking why we don’t refine here, no business case for it, easier to ship crude than all sorts of other products
My dad and I have identical scars from a BSA .303 had a wicked ejector spring that would catch your hand, hated that thing
Well American Airlines has a trans ticket agent in LA, need we say more, investigation over !!/s
Hey one of them bumped my Elio the other night
Do that in Florida and probably get arrested