
First glance thought somebody put a BMW grill on a Supra with a body kit

Worked at a repair shop in Alberta, one year had two Boxsters that Porsche denied warranty on due to a ‘large number of over revving incidents’ both of which had dropped valves into the engine

It studied Cartesian Doubt and finally decided it existed only to explode, good bomb 

Insert Austin Powers driving clip here 

Yeah canned food was new and the quality control on the soldering was non-existant some of them had big 1cm blobs inside the can. Probably tasting the food not a problem, given that my home in Edmonton just got rid of the lead water pipes two years ago

Dad gum it Lurlene, I was awantin another kid but them thar fancy Librul car seads done cost as much as couple of boxes of 9mm that I needs to by to keep us safe, we will hafta bee happy with the elebem we gots.

My dad spent a lot of time up here and they found some of the tinned food left behind, being idiots they actually tried it- said it was like really bad preserved beef and they have lived to this day. 

I bought the cheapest new KIA in America, lets see if I can start it 

It also comes with a warning to users:

How did the Powell not make this list ?

At least there are no car washes to deal with

Just spray some red oxide in places and people may believe it’s original

My dad had a 42 Harley trike and said that with the old gravity pumps they would lock the handles at night but leave the hoses unlocked, he could get enough gas from a couple of pumps to drive around for the night.


Yep neighbor keeps going on that you can only get 30000km out of a battery, when they die you have to set them on fire and that they don’t work below zero. He keeps going on about how China is awful and glad he drives a Chevy, a Trax no less

Bring it back baby

Those suction cup roofracks look neat

Will it find the pound of ground beef that fell out of the grocery bag in August ?

Maybe dress as cops ?

Probably has a convenient bill of sale dated before the sinking where it is sold to a John Smith or Juan Vasquez