
Is Stonehenge larger than 18" ?

Waiting in line at a commercial vehicle check and the passenger decides to light up a joint- was able to stop him real quick, his excuse, they aren’t real cops and the truck is good and safe. Yes it was a coworker but it was his last week.

Sell rides in it for a Ukraine charity 

Weird video with Fisker himself on the start screen

Step on the hitch and overload it

All I need to know is can I get a beer ? I remember being in the UAE and trying to get a beer was a nightmare- buddy scored hash for 50c a gram so we gave up 

The phone forwards to another dealer, Gold Star Motors 2024 

Umm I flew in DC3s a lot at altitudes around that and above and no pressurisation so I suspect something else or they got up to 10000m

I had a frayed throttle cable jam on me, only way to stop it was to shut off the ignition. But modern cars may not allow you to do that when in gear 

Or even me, who has no qualifications but has done dumb stuff and know danger when I see it, btw stop drop and roll does work. 

I worked in the bankruptcy industry and saw this a lot, if somebody had the income somebody would loan it out. This was in 2015/16 or so saw F250s with 100k loans on them worst was a Tacoma that was just under 50k to buy but this guy who I think had a substance abuse issue had been buying and trading cars in for six

1988 in the back of my 510 wagon stuck dick into crazy- 

I saw a guy pull a cube van in front of a vehicle to stop it from hitting a pedestrian, it was amazing. Buddy riding with me was an insurance adjuster and said morally great move, financially bad idea as he will be found ‘at fault’ but could sue

I guess Elon only likes his own babies

That’s like using bullet hole stickers to cover up actual bullet holes

Yep was on a golf tournament and a guy hit the hole in one, 50k but nope he wasn’t actually registered, he took a sick co-workers spot. Some said he should sue but then he would be suing the charity as it was their insurer who denied the claim.

You folks beat me to it Happy Fun Truck

Did he get the commissions too ?

As it is a Bronco doesn’t it have a ‘Evade Police’ mode

I wasn’t singing with the radio, just doing my work mantra ‘Jeff must die’