
To me the whole Twitter debacle broke the cult of Musk. Tesla and SpaceX were both moon shoot style ventures he seemed to have the chutzpah to force it to happen. Would those companies have done what they’ve done regardless of Musk? Probably. He was a Steve Jobsian style leader who seemed push through walls and

I’m asking with complete sincerity here. Has Elon made a single smart business decision at Twitter/X ever since he took over? I’m being serious. I cannot think of a single instance, in the past year, where Elon announced a big change at Twitter and the impartial part of my brain thought “That might work.” It’s just

And yet people still insist that billionaire are billionaires because they are smarter than the rest of us. Just ridiculous. Then again, most of those still believing that are twitter bots.

I wonder if this is EM’s Kanye arc?

The EU shouldn’t have a hard time proving antisemitism. “Jew” has become a popular insult on Twitter. I don’t even bother reporting it anymore since the few times I did I got back the “we know you won’t be happy with this decision...” seconds after the report was made. It was clear nobody was truly reviewing anything.

I agree that Apple tends to stiff arm companies and use their vast legion of attorneys to exhaust these types of charges, but they have a distinct advantage to gain by acquiring this technology outright, particularly the full suite telehealth portion. They might already have health monitoring sensors in their watches,

There is always a bigger fish:

FWIW, my bipolar friend gained 30 lbs due to his antipsychotic drugs so the doctor put him on Wegovy. He lost 30 lbs after a few months of treatment and he was able to wean himself off of the medication through diet and exercise. So far, so good.

Fen-Phen actually worked too, until people’s heart valves started disintegrating.  I’ll wait for the long-term studies.  

Anyone else have the strong impression that this was only “necessary” in that somebody wanted to play with their military-esque toys? This driver wasn’t going anywhere, and the truck was surrounded by SWAT, presumably armed to the teeth. They seriously couldn’t come up with a better idea to get the driver out of the

Monetarily that makes sense, but I suspect that Apple prefers to not set that precedent, instead desiring to squash anyone impudent enough to question their technological prowess.

Can’t wait to see the data on how many anti-vaxxers are lining up for this.

Man, if someone would have commented this exact same thing yesterday, they would prove to be a smart cookie. Lol, I knew this was going to be the case. Looks like the OEM decided the customer was going to be the one to take the financial hit, imagine that? 

Now’s the time to save $1k by not buying a redundant, useless, and ugly watch.

Even if this ban were to hold, Apple’s revenue wouldn’t see a hit until Q2, possibly? Every retail store not owned by Apple had the Watch and there were no limits on sales. Warehouses full of Watches, already booked as revenue by Apple at Amazon, Best Buy, Costco...

“Have an A-1 day!”

I tried that.

Money laundering.

It’s a slow news day.  They need something to fill out the space.

Turbo for off-roading isn’t a good idea. H6 swap would be more ideal. The stock 2.5 still works fine but the weak link would be the transmission if it’s the cvt.  Head gaskets are a cake walk on those cars. With the engine removed and no machine shop work, it could be done in a day.  Did a set on my 01 @180k, car