
Also, how about NASA dropping its contracts with SpaceX until Musk no longer owns it and is out of the picture? (Of course, they’ve painted themselves into a corner with that, and the “We need Starship” thing.)

“There’s no excuse for the spreading of hatred by any CEO of any publicly traded company”*

I’ve said it before - he’s pulling a full “Henry Ford in his fifties”, aging into a reactionary, anti-semitic crank. Only instead of a pet newspaper he has a social media site.

“He will not be replaced!”

It won’t be driven by the next owner either. 

Is the check engine light on ?

He is incapable of taking criticism without doubling down and being a contrarian arsehole just to prove some imaginary point.

There is no doubt Apartheid Clyde is racist and has shown antisemitic leanings in the past. I do wonder how much of this current rush towards it is down to the ADL calling his shit out.

I think a big problem is that while in Europe, mostly, anti speeding measures are aimed at deterring speeding and managing infrastructure to deter and prevent, our anti speeding measures are based on making money for local sheriffs’ departments. They neither deter nor prevent, but seek to hoodwink and extort instead.

he also had a history of speeding offenses

Well look at that, a Challenger has ruined everything for everyone forever. Who could have predicted such an outcome. 

There’s 100% a correlation between someone having a bumper sticker complaining about tailgaters and being an atrocious driver.

The number of low riders doing significant damage to the streets of LA is minimal. I’ve watched trucks improperly towing trailers scraping the roads too, and plenty of other egregious issues that cause significantly more damage. I say live and let live.

If I were the call center employee, I’d have paid the $150 on my own card, except that, as a call center employee, I probably couldn’t have afforded it.

Yep. Literally life and death scenarios and big business keeps on doing business.

This reminds me of when Verizon throttled the Santa Clara Fire Department’s data during the Mendocino wildfires in 2018.

Shouldn’t you be out driving your gray CR-V at 5 under the limit? 

There are entire families that devote a ton of their time and resources to this cultural tradition and it is a rich culture for Chicanos in LA. Don’t yuck other peoples’ yums bro

Some of these comments make me think it’s computer hour at some retirement community right now.

Why are you even here?