
He’s showing the same kind of respect that Preston Brooks showed to Charles Sumner.

The duality of that Twitter handle...  I love it.

Yeah, be a populist brute grandstanding for the cracker Repubs back home (“This’ll look great for my re-election ads! Yee-haw!”) than show respect for over 200 years of Senate tradition—act senatorial—just some more Donald-groveling Repub “genius” at work here.

says all you need to know about him

Yes, that was one of the tweets by O’Brien that set Mullin off. From June.

Punchlines aside, what we are seeing play out here is fun stage of decline where an elected official is the same “type” of person as the fucking boss of the teamsters union. There used to be a few degrees of separation between the two things, but now its just the same goddam person.

Maybe Mullin shouldn’t be so fragile about his height that he needs to stand on a box.

Speaking about the incident with Mullin on Fox News on Tuesday night, Sean Hannity praised Mullin’s actions, saying any other response would have been “gutless.”

“I’m supposed to represent Oklahoma values.”

One thing the show failed was with George. The father in young sheldon was just not the dad sheldon described growing up. I get they wanted to show more depth in George but the Father sheldon describes was completely different in young sheldon. It’s not like sheldon is a unreliable narrator either. Why would sheldon

I don’t think it was phoned in I just think it was a TERRIBLE mismatch of two VERY different storylines from the books infused with his typical humour (which i usually love) but DID NOT FIT here. Like, I’m a longtime Taika fanboy. Ever since I first sawr “Boy” like, 15 years ago. But I don’t know what he was thinking

Any car that’s all Trumped-out. You know the one. Trump bumper stickers, Trump Flags, hand-written Trump pronouncements. You just know that the driver is someone you never want to sit next to at a party.

honestly a typo like this will probably make the mobo even more valuable

I saw Evangenlion at the United Center back in 2008.  Great show.