
On a mammoth bender and lost track of time?

(I will see myself out)

Coincidence —> ‘miracle’
Make language work for you...

A CyberVessel to contain your IncelEnergy...

Corn ethanol is the boondoggle of all boondoggles, handing out our taxes to agribusinesses for something we don’t need or want, and actively HORRIBLE for the environment, soil, water use as they mine groundwater, and SO much more...
You might remember as a kid reading National Geographic and the like and seeing

SBF was planning to stay in New York while helping to prepare his appeal

Don’t like accountability? Feeling emboldened to come out as a fascist and a bully? Try the new Twitter!

Dog whistling at its loudest...

I couple of years ago I got a Surface Pro 18 with some extra HD space, etc - after decades of having Dell XPs 13s and 15s and the like - and I was / am truly glad for the change, especially when travelling...

As long as he is confined somewhere, good by me... 

Evidence of the THICK Blue Line...

My ‘68 Series IIa, but I love it!

Do you need incel energy to be able to pick it up?

<creating a Venn diagram of the cars listed and the type of transmission>

Tesla: we have 10s of thousands of cars out in the open behind fences in mostly abandoned malls and the like; can we please have cheap insurance against hailstorms in Missouri, vandalism, etc?
Insurance Companies: Oh F*ck NO!

Tweet from Musk bemoaning the downfall of humanity through all of this philanthropy in 3... 2... 1....

Cliché answer but: more for me!

And he wonders why his daughter wanted to get out of the house...
The dark but altogether common side of #FloridaMan

Us’ sucked, despite how you might want to project metaphor into it or somesuch...
I loved Get Out, crossing my fingers for Nope (I am behind...)

Imagine if all your household goods are in one of those containers, as you big step at this time was to move around the world!!?

Hertz St. Louis Airport tried sh*te like this with me...
I extended by gov-CC rental for 2 more days (from 5 to 7) so that I could attend a colleague’s wife’s funeral...
They charged me $356 EXTRA, and tried to say the same “contract was closed”, same BS
My travel officer went all mumma bear on them, told them she would