
if you were my cube mate...

Says the schiester car salesman in a checkered suit...

Ditch the liability, then you have plausibility deniability in MAGA  land, you can fall back on “well I divorced him for a reason” if needed...

Nicely put together - and explained

Uranus, moons, seems logical...

One of my favourite places to (gently) visit on the motorcycle and/or scuba dive, nice work in getting yourself there

Hope the camera is fluid proof...

And if the car, plane, etc you intentionally crashed killed or injured someone then would - and should - be deep in the shit! So no precedents allowed...
Further property damage, etc is a factor...
I’m not condoning it” <— attempted obfuscation noted - and dismissed! #BlessYourHeart

One word: wanker!

Local officials: $436,000 will be nice our families have been asking about vacations

A Sisyphean role indeed... bring a broom, large shovel and some very tall gumboots and a respirator- and keep Elon occupied with ‘shiny’ elsewhere...

(aside - can you imagine the interview over a nice dinner, Elon saying: “Sure, you will have full control, I give you my word!”)

... and have the regular income to consume services and goods.

I used to work as an engineering geologist - including in my time a couple of landfill redesigns (sic)
They do indeed have incredible engineering...
The craziest thing I saw related to the chemistry/oxygen was when they had to move (as regulators directed) the contents of a much older portion of the landfill (1940s-ish)

Gaining access to more rubes... 

The series 1, third episode’s cold open is truly worthy of all the acclaim it got... 28 minutes of wonderful!

HELL to the yes!

RIP Terry, you were amazing and a huge part of my childhood

Are these the Sea People that kicked Egypt’s, etc collective arses?

They tried that in Grand Junction, CO, waste from uranium processing; predictable it did not turn out too well...

William ‘stepped out”? You mean cheated... just like his dear old Dad with the now Queen Consort (aptly named) Camilla...
Do what I do, not what I say, on top on Andrew (eick), as #familyvalues as the GOP...

Pot meet kettle...
over a topic he [keeps on replying to for no apparent reason] I’m simply responding in kind.”