
Want to mask you ED or have bad credit, see Ram”  <--- snuck in a SMOOTH burn...

Dairy farmer kid, good way to warm your bare feet on a cold day, slide them out of the gumboots - and also good exercise shoveling out of the race...

15 million and such badly stuffed & covered black (leather?) armchairs?


Deregulated, extra profit making Texas power grid collapses in 3... 2... 1...

(and the rest of us get to suffer as they are bailed out again!)

Attempted obfuscation noted - and dismissed!

Couldn’t Worf just put the shields to maximum when his sensors say they are coming in?

The Walton group is expected to $4.65 billion for the team, a record amount, a record for an American sports team.”

I know where I putting my hard earned $$$$  /s


Word soup at its best (worst?)

Thanks for including the link to the paper...

Catholic priest on stage?! What is here there for? Win One For The Gipper speech?

I would ask what is in his family closet...

Plain and simple, Musk is full of sh*t...

In unrelated news, 1000s of spatial focused résumés just hit the job market services...

Whilst respecting people wants jobs for all the usual necessary reasons, putting your trust in crypto to pay your ACTUAL bills seems risky to say the least!

Even the CryptoBros are not manufactured outraged in the comments as they know their time is done...