
Indicative - one of their cops would not wear mask, even with state mandate & after being asked by the employee

One of their officers, Corporal Nate Mier passed out drunk behind the wheel, in full uniform, with a weapon, on duty, blood alcohol @ 0.450, parked... Body cams were turned off by responding officers, evidence not collected, he was NOT fired, chief said it was ‘media spin’

Bring back the Baja!

Costco bag of bird seed and a feeder with a cage for the little arseholes we call squirrels... wonderful company - along with all the hummingbirds - as I WFH...

The local bear can be a bit of a PITA, and there was one huge make raccoon that tried forever to knock it down, until I re-positioned, but well worth sticking

Mountain and blues jays here in Colorado in the foothills, WERE the same for me...

I got a feeder in a cage (good with squirrels as well, THOSE little fuckers) that the blue jays have difficulty getting access to... they only rarely come now...

Mountain and blues jays here in Colorado in the foothills, WERE the same for me...

I got a feeder in a cage (good with squirrels as well, THOSE little fuckers) that the blue jays have difficulty getting access to... they only rarely come now...

They are a bunch of arrogant young white boys, mishandled, undisciplined, the usual bunch of beefy boy tattoos...

Whatever works for you....

BUT I drove one a lot of a recent business trip to SoCal - and then some exploring up in the desert... It was - OKish

People will still but their licence plate covers to cause lots of reflections... or in my case on the dual sport motorcycle get it covered in mud, whoops...

The US has the PRP driven Federal EPA regulations at least, although it needs a broader focus - and how much it is being used under the current administration is I am guessing minimal...

Anything after ‘73 from Land Rover you are buying so much shoddy British engineering... with the few facilities here that know how to work on them charging hen’s teeth rates for parts and labour...

Why does it have to look like Kevin and Sharon’s numpty-mobile?

C&D article... kinda inference... but...

I am waiting for the 2021 Golf GTI R- stick included.... and SO much more versatile...

I ride motorcycles of various sorts off road a LOT, having a DCT would be detestable, clutch work has got me out of a LOT of ‘ugly situations’... and it feels like I am 100x more engaged with the vehicle.... (ditto with my ‘68 Series IIa)

We are going to these places specifically to enjoy the driving experience, not

HAVING the preference for manual is what is being requested, NOT forcing you to use it..  

The massage scene notwithstanding, we are re-watching Enterprise... and T’Pol’s ‘uniform’, really?

Get a GRIP, where do you think the decent tastes come from... 

I am from New Zealand and do an excellent lamb roast... if I do say, all the trimmings... (I also grew up up on a diary farm, in part...)

How MUCH work has he had done?

The Ayran SuperRace needs plastic surgery as well to show their superiority I guess...