
Interesting, I can see it.... not that interesting...


And anti-vaxxers, lets just take your “I have every right” nonsense protestations as read, no need to comment, thank in advance!

Fracking? How was your hot shower this morning? Hot meal last night?
If interested, here is a short magazine article I wrote on fracking a few years ago, after Pavilion., WY, about ½ way down the page:

she should get that mole checked out by her dermatologist 

Chernobyl was Russian cowboys, in no way related to sane, well regulated nuclear power generation.
It is like comparing a junker worked on under a shade tree to a Tesla.

Note the author’s credentials

Unfortunately renewables are not yet mature enough for ‘full scale’ use, especially in terms of high demand / storage issues (think NYC on a hot summer’s evening when everyone gets home from work...)
Coal makes such a mess to extract (e.g., mountain topping) and so very, VERY polluting - and indeed puts out more radiati

Now out of the wood work in the comments will appear hordes of purposefully ignorant anti-vaxxers, who have spent “100s of hours on the internet”, with their zealot belief systems devoid of any reality, spewing word soups, logical fallacies galore... As the rest of us who are still part of decent, caring society will

NEVER burn ANY treated wood, HUGE possible serious inhalation health affects!! 

OK, right after every coal fired power station that generates your electricity (and mine) closes down --- go nukes!

Two bonuses:

People can do whatever they want as long as you don’t hurt someone else, alcohol is a bitch for some especially in large quantities, etc, etc...

That said, as a Denver/Boulder/Golden resident, how about another state be the guinea pig ‘this time’? The demographic and social changes as the first state to decriminalise

From Denver: sounds perfectly valid & reasonable

Teleworking today at the kiwi shack, my old friend with me....

Yes, my place is dusty, on a dirt road up a Colorado canyon  :)

Alex Jones looses another set of rubes to market his ‘gold standard’ and various snake oils to, I call that a win just in itself....

cue anti-wind turbine nimbies...

Off topic: that is an ugly man

Ad hominem I know, but...

So he is trying to give Trump a trophy for deciding not to be a moron?

The accused in the UK has only a qualified right to remain silent in their version of Miranda: