I would rather eat my own still-warm vomit...
I would rather eat my own still-warm vomit...
Tone deaf, of course, but surprising how blatant she was...
In the long term, it is more expensive to rent than to own
non-US English has a word for this: twee
Wonderful, wonderful news!
Let’s hope these changes filter down to the state and local level as well...
Or a Japanese dentist in a Ferrari?
Damn you Rousseau!
One thing never to do with a CVT vehicle: BUY ONE!
Thank you, I will be here all week, try the veal, don’t forget to tip your waitress...
No semis allowed on it’s roads?
Just the good ol’ boys
RIP mate
Because The Donald wants them, that is a sufficient answer for a #TrueAmerician©
Your ‘single and ready to mingle’ Instagram photo is the pullout on 93 just south of the Republic Of Boulder.
I live in a shack up the Eldorado Springs road, you should have popped in for a beer or three...
English language skills?
NEVER buy new, IF you decide to get one, get a heirloom - for MANY reasons...
Damn, I want the propane (and propane accessories) version...
Damn, I want the propane (and propane accessories) version...